That’s cool and all but kids shouldn’t be medically transitioning. It can mess them up later in life. Example is jess. If you don’t know her story look it up, it’s not appropriate for bracelet book.
@plant-dad I'm glad that you care. I agree with what you said too, as homophobes/transphobes tend to be racist too and in extreme causes women haters. I support you, and others do too! As an LGBTQ+ person, I faced hate and know that others do too. I'm part of the change for the better, and support others who are too.
@poopereti Thank you so much! Trans people experience so much harassment and discrimination, especially trans women of color. As a trans person myself, these issues are very personal to me. I hope that in the future, all people can be free to be themselves without facing violence and hate.
Plant-dad I love your username and this pattern! Trans people are suffering right now and being discriminated aganist which is unfair. Thank you for bringing attention to it, as that is the only way to solve this ongoing issue.
@Elise64 aww thank you so much! A few people rated it low, but I don’t know why. I suspect it was because they don’t “agree with” or like the lgbtq+ community. But that shouldn’t really matter. All people deserve rights and to be protected from harm. This pattern is near and dear to my heart since I have been threatened and almost attacked because I’m trans. I think all trans people need more protection and safety (trans women of color especially). Our beautiful community already receives so much hate and violence, and if I can do something to spread even a little awareness about it, I certainly will.
I’m just wondering who in the WORLD would rate this low based on the message 😔 like I don’t care if you don’t “agree” with being trans, they are still human and they should be treated like it 😢 but I love the pattern! ❤️
Thank you to everyone who has rated and loved this pattern! I was inspired by the local protests around me against harmful laws attacking transgender people here in the US. Since I am not able to attend these, this is my contribution. I hope you enjoy the pattern, and please be kind and support those around you!