Comments of #85202
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3 years, 6 months ago by _Theatre_
this is so true and beautiful 😍 if possible could someone make a smaller version that's more horizontal and has 25-30 or less base strings? i really want to make this for my backpack but it's too big for a keyring :/
3 years, 10 months ago by Bellinx
@LuvMyDucks it’s not that. Because of the way the situation played out all lives matter started as a way to oppose Black Lives Matter. It’s not that all lives don’t matter it’s that the specific term is used to go against Black Lives Matter and other movements. It’s similar to saying any term where there’s two sides one side makes of movement and the other side opposes the movement. Decide that opposes will usually make up a saying and even if the saying in the words are good it doesn’t mean that the term is good.
3 years, 10 months ago by Bellinx
@lindypanda I love you, You are so patient and really good at explaining things without yelling
3 years, 10 months ago by ecorinne
Thank You!! Sorry Idk how to tag people haha
3 years, 10 months ago by violinwitc
@ecorinne beautiful job!!
3 years, 11 months ago by Hanners
So beautiful 🥺 There’s lots of BLM patterns on here and that’s great... but this is the first Asian one. You deserve so much respect! I can’t even thank you enough...
3 years, 11 months ago by violinwitc
@peachyluvs ❤️
3 years, 11 months ago by peachyluvs
#asianandproud as an asian, i want to say thank you so much for making this pattern! i love it so much! #stopasianhate
3 years, 11 months ago by LuvMyDucks
@swimmer_ okay! u too 😉
3 years, 11 months ago by swimmer_
@LuvMyDucks thats ok. im not here to change your mind or anything but i want to let you know that the intentions of blm were to help. i respect your opinion and i hope you can do the same for mine. have a good day!
3 years, 11 months ago by LuvMyDucks
@swimmer_ thanks! i still feel like blm doesn't really cover it, though. i kno y'all mean well but a lot of blm supporters are reverse racists so i dont wanna support that movement. 🙂
3 years, 11 months ago by swimmer_
@LuvMyDucks blm isn't taking away from any other race's importance. it highlights the issues and racism that blacks face since there has been an increasing amount discrimination against them today. everyone matters the same amount except society today doesn't seem to reflect that for certain races, so blm was created. (: i hope this helps.
3 years, 12 months ago by riley_fxX
@LuvMyDucks hmm???
3 years, 12 months ago by lindypanda
Hi @LuvMyDucks! So I meant to comment earlier, but giving you the same invitation to move the conversation as @minecraft3 on why "All Lives Matter" is a problematic slogan for addressing racial inequality. It's a lot and it can't be completely explained in a chat unless you are willing to take extra time to learn the reasons. 🙂
3 years, 12 months ago by LuvMyDucks
wut has this culture become
3 years, 12 months ago by LuvMyDucks
@riley_fxX 😐 😐 😐 😐 😐 😐
3 years, 12 months ago by lana_19
@minecraft3 ofc Asian hate didn’t start j now. but Asians are being targeted WAY more now, a few months ago and for years black ppl were being targeted MORE than any other race, for the most part. Black Lives Matter is a saying for the black community, which is unique for them. so when u say “all lives matter” it’s taking away from the real saying. it’s like saying all dogs matter, when one dog has cancer. on the other hand stop Asian hate is a saying unique for the Asian community, saying something like “stop all hate” would just take away from the whole meaning. hope u understand & educate yourself more ❤️
3 years, 12 months ago by riley_fxX
@LuvMyDucks yes! u got it!
3 years, 12 months ago by LuvMyDucks
@riley_fxX oh. I forgot that black people are much more superior to any other being. My mistake.

3 years, 12 months ago by minecraft3
@DirtyHands @ananya123 @lana_19 This will be my last comment just to clarify what i was saying, This pattern is cute, and i'm not hating in any way. the message is good. i'm trying to say, just because someone says something that is not exactly the same as what you believe, doesn't mean it is that different from what you believe. My example is a few months ago i said asian lives matter, and people said no only black lives, and now those same people are saying stop asian hate, but asian hate didn't just start the other day, they just didn't know and wouldn't listen to me because i said all lives matter.
Also black and asian are included when saying all lives matter, it just doesn't exclude anyone. It doesn't mean we can't get social justice, it means we can get social justice for everyone who needs it. It doesn't mean we can't help black people, it means we can help anyone who needs help. It literally just takes race out of the big picture. Please don't respond to me in the comments! i will only respond in messages because this pattern is really cute and i didn't mean to blow up the comments! have a good day ❤️ 👍