to anyone who doesn’t understand this: women are continually treated as inferiors by men. we are paid less for no real reason. our actual rights to healthcare are being taken away. yes women have rights but we need to keep them!
@LuvMyDucks and that’s totally fine! It’s ur opinion, just like how its others bodies and others choices to do what they want with them! but to each their own (:
@minecraft3 a lot of stuff. For the March madness the gym that the women got had very minimal stuff while the men’s had everything they could want and more. I could go on and on with more stuff about how unfair it is
@minecraft3 uhm maybe like the same pay as men? just equality in general is best. for example, my mom's a heart doctor, but she was volunteering at the vaccine site near her work. her volunteer job at the spot was to basically ask senior citizens if they were on any medications, any pain anywhere, and yea just basic questions. there were 3 female doctors and 1 male nurse (who didn't have his medical degree yet) and all the senior citizens lined up in front of him. i think it would just be better for people not to assume that the male in the situation is always the doctor. thats all 😊
@minecraft3 is it okay if I explain in messages? I don’t really wanna explain in comments bc I already know people are gonna continue arguing even more and everything if I post it here