Comments of #83119
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3 months, 1 week ago by pulserasAG
oh!! Thank you so much! no, now I understand more ❤️
3 months, 1 week ago by halokiwi
@pulserasAG the easiest way to explain it is that you do all knots as shown in the pattern, but you pull all the knots tight, so that there are no gaps. The dice will form automatically.

Do you still need a video?
3 months, 1 week ago by pulserasAG
can someone make a video? I want to make this but I don't undersatand with the tutorials or things like that 😢
3 years, 12 months ago by its_jenny
@halokiwi oh that's a good idea
3 years, 12 months ago by halokiwi
@its_jenny @Duesenberg I've been rethinking this pattern a bit. If you switch the 4 and the 6 and instead of leaving loose strings pull the knots all the way up you will get a dice with only three open edges. You can close these by either tying the strings of the same colour together or by sewing the gaps closed.
3 years, 12 months ago by Aracne
🤯 Oh
3 years, 12 months ago by its_jenny
@halokiwi oh ok, thanks 👍🏻
3 years, 12 months ago by halokiwi
@Duesenberg if you want you can check out my pattern #83023 which is intended to be dice shaped 🙂
3 years, 12 months ago by halokiwi
@its_jenny this pattern is not meant to be dice shaped. This is only meant to be a braid. But you can check out my pattern #83023 which is meant to be dice shaped where I explained in the comments how I did it. You can also go to my Instagram @pride.pixels and check out the dice highlight to see a bit of the process. I also plan to write a tutorial but that can take a while.
3 years, 12 months ago by its_jenny
@Duesenberg oh ok, thanks
3 years, 12 months ago by Duesenberg
Hey @its_jenny
There is already a tutorial about this technique on this site, so no need to wait for long 😍:

How to make a diamond shaped bracelet / by Adik
Same technique explained in a video by Masha Knots:
Pattern 23580 (Snowflake), video tutorial by Racoon (=Masha Knots)

Happy knotting 😊👍
3 years, 12 months ago by its_jenny
@Duesenberg ok, that seems a little confusing so I'll probably wait until there's a tutorial but thanks for trying to help!
3 years, 12 months ago by Duesenberg
Hey @its_jenny
I would nit recommend making single pieces and sewing them together, sice ist is more work after all and can't look as great, as if you directly knotted them together.

I would recommend you to begin the bracelet with dice 1 and a triangle end.
1. I would make a loop, and connect it.
2. Then, separate the strings:
-->all the blues go out to the right side,
-->all the yellow and pink ones go out to the left side.
3. Make fb knots on the blue strings
4. Make bf knots with the pink strings.
5. Knot dice 1 with normal backward knots.
6. Make bf knots with the yellow strings.
7. Start to knot dice 2 with the normal forward knots.
8. To get the shape of the bracelet:
--> make fb knots with the pink strings that are coming out of dice 1.
--> make bf knots with the blue strings that are coming out of dice 2.
9. Make fb knots with the pink strings to prepare the shape of dice 3.
10.Knot dice 3 with backward knots.
11.Ando so on.....

Hope it will help, otherwise, search Masha Knots vido on Youtube on triangle shaped ends.
Stay safe and happy knotting! 👍🙏😃
3 years, 12 months ago by its_jenny
would you just sew the pieces together to form the die shape?
3 years, 12 months ago by cxrgi
Woah 🤩🤩🤩