You can also use pattern #83119. Just switch the sides 4 and 6 to have a functional dice net. To make it form a dice instead of leaving loose strings you pull the knots tight. In the end you close the three open edges that stay by either sewing them together or tying the strings of the same colour together.
I took 10 strings of each colour, each around 50 cm long. (They can probably be a little shorter but I wanted to be on the safe side. ) Then I picked one side to start with.
I started with the side with the 2. I taped down the red strings so they were coming from the top and the blue strings so they're coming from the left and the strings are in a 90 degree angle to each other. Then I knotted the first side using the technique you would use for normal bracelets/the two-tone alpha technique.
The next side I did was the 6 side. I taped the yellow strings down so they were coming from the left and knotted that side as well.
The next side I did was the 4 side. But I could have also done the 3 side at this point. I tied what I had knotted so far to a rubics cube using a hair tie so I was able to have the yellow and blue strings at a 90 degree angle to each other.
The last three sides were a little tricky. I clipped a pencil down with my clip-board and used that pencil to hold the dice down so the side I was currently working on was on top.
Once I had done all six sides I made knots between ends of the strings of the same colours to connect the sides where there were gaps. This step probably took the longest. I hid the ends inside the cube. They're basically the stuffing of the cube. You could probably also sew the cube together. The last 8 strings who I didn't get inside because the hole was getting too small to stuff them into the cube I used as ties so I can use it as a keychain or hang it somewhere.