@Bug234 took me a couple of weeks but didn’t work on it every day. For the material, I can’t remember exactly but i think one skein of each for the rainbow, 3 white, 2 black and at least 6 grey. I also used two grey skeins at the same time for the left and right so I don’t waste strings going behind the triangle part.
@Juejue Left string, goes over the stick then under to the left side of this string and up (towards you), then right string over the stick and under, then put the left string over the two strings and tie them really tight in the back. Cut the string short but just long enough to glue them at the back bottom. Hope this makes sense.
@kristine13 OMG that wall hanging is absolutely amazing! I couldn't make something so big at the moment , and the fact that you kept the edges so straight is so amazing! How long would you say this took you and how much material was need for everything because dang, it must be a lot.
thanks for all the amazing comments everyone! @Clarke_4 I can't make any promises but when I have some free time I'll try to! @Samanada@MimiPlayz yay!! can't wait to see it!!!