@mangosiri it does mean that there can only be 1 string for the butterflies, but the colored string acts like a straight edge. The rest of the string is white, each segment has a starting and finishing triangle end. When you end the triangle ends of a segment, make the butterfly how you would for a normal version of this pattern. Then start a new triangle end. Always make the colored string the “edge” string (like the edge string of a bracelet with the straight edge technique.
Hey guys! If you would like to make this braclet but it is a little to hard to read the pattern just search up Aillin (that's the youtube channel name) and look for the video with the butterfly chain! The video/tutorial is great and super helpful! Also Masha Knots has a just as amazing and helpful tutorial! Good Luck making this beautiful butterfly braclet! 👍 ❤️ 😊
@MimiPlayz yup!! It’s one of the more recent videos on MashaKnots YouTube channel!! (I didn’t want to add it on BB bc it’s not my video, but it is on YouTube lol)😊 I also have a video on my Instagram showing my technique for it, but it’s shorter and has less detail.