@Yellowfang this is more similar to a normal pattern than to an alpha. I'd say it's a normal pattern even though it doesn't completely follow the "rules".
@GalaxyNoob you can cut all the normal strings wingspan length. but the main string you would be knotting with the most (the one that makes the actual chain part) you would wanna cut it 5-6 inches longer than wingspan.
from what I’ve learned when I tried this is that u have to make the green string or the main string you doing the most tying with, pretty loooong or else you won’t have enough to finish the bracelet.
Sooo I'm doing hybrid school, ( two days I go to school and two days I'm online ) and I'm aloud to do bracelet stuff when I'm done with my work and I recently have loved doing these an my two of my classmates are kind of amazed with how fast I could get them done lol