Comments of #72115
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1 month ago by Tacy-Cruz
This shouldn’t be considered “political”
2 years, 7 months ago by venom
thank you for all of your beautiful patterns! love from 🌱
2 years, 8 months ago by friz_ay
Can u do a full cow head, I love the cow
3 years, 4 months ago by _Ederle_
I love this so much! It is so true! I am vegan and I believe that all animals deserve rights. ❤️❤️
3 years, 4 months ago by yomama420
I think it makes a good point but people come on here to have fun and im not sure this is appropriate
3 years, 11 months ago by YouMatter
@Elise64 That is a great way to put it and that is exactly it! Also your explanation on the zebra pattern was also spot on!
3 years, 11 months ago by Elise64
@Candy_Cane I know this is pretty late, and I hope that you understand a little better since a few people explained it to you. The creator isn’t against eating meat in any way. She is just saying that the animals are treated awfully where more dogs, cats, and other pets are treated with respect. They are given no anesthetics before they are killed, and they are taken away from their moms very early. And not everyone believes in God, so not everyone thinks that eating animals is right. Wouldn’t you rather have animals treated good before they are killed and killed painlessly rather than them living in constant suffering before they are killed?
4 years, 1 month ago by itsmenaomi
@YouMatter tysmmm ik i feel so bad for the zebras
4 years, 1 month ago by YouMatter
Sure I will do that! I didn't know about that until now. That is terrible. I will definitely do a pattern for that!
4 years, 1 month ago by itsmenaomi
@YouMatter i totally beleive what u believe and the other day i was watching a youtube vid and a an advirtisement for zebra hunting came on and basically they would take zebras from the wild then make them breed and then release them in this gated big woods and have people pay money to hunt the zebras and so it would be amazing if u could make a pattern off of that ! it was so mean of the owners of the place that rebreed and then killed the babies!
4 years, 1 month ago by -Nobody-
Ok for those of you who don't understand this pattern
The creator is not against consuming meat or dairy at all they just don't like the animal cruelty that some farmers or producers do. Some animals are treated with no respect. The creator is stating that these animals should be treated with love and care like a dog. Like I said it is not going against eating meat by any means.
4 years, 1 month ago by PugCakePop
Ok this is getting annoying. PLEASE READ THE OLD COMMENTS AND UNDERSTAND THE MESSAGE stop hating on this pattern because it sends a really important message!!
4 years, 1 month ago by simona_a
Stop misunderstanding this pattern and read the text before this and you’ll really find out what this about🙃
4 years, 1 month ago by koala_girl
@amesknots that’s not the point of this pattern
4 years, 1 month ago by amesknots
steak is yummy
4 years, 1 month ago by Elise64
I just wanted to write something on here that just has to do with animal cruelty, I used to support PETA but then I read something really bad about it. They literally took a dog from a family’s house (Idk if it was outside or inside the house) that was in good condition, and then euthanized it a FEW HOURS LATER (breaking a law which said that you need to wait at least 5 DAYS) and came back to the house and told them that they killed the dog. They have also done some other horrible things. 😢😢😢
4 years, 1 month ago by riley_fxX
@bruhboop well when u find out how they are killed it ain’t that yummy anymore
4 years, 1 month ago by swimmer_
i really support this pattern! i honestly think its ok to eat meat and everything but animal cruelty is absolutely disgusting!
4 years, 1 month ago by Emakes
Guys please read the comments before you rate this pattern! The creator did an amazing job explaining the message behind the pattern. The main idea is to treat all animals humanely, weather they are a dog or beef cattle. It's not meant to be against people who eat meat, it's meant to be against people who abuse animals. I really like this pattern and I think that you did a great job creating it! Also feel free to correct me if I got the message wrong but from what I read that's what it sounds like.
4 years, 1 month ago by Addysen
@YouMatter that is exactly how I feel!! I know some people who will go hunting to eat the meat and there is people who do it because they think it’s fun. I just wish people would leave animals alone (again hunting is fine unless you will actually use the meat) because they did nothing to you so why bother them. I think I just love animals too much also sorry for the spam lol 😭❤️