@derin16_ I really like your bracelet! I LOVE the colors and the simple wooden background! 😄 I also really like how you started and ended your bracelet. It looks amazing! 👍 😍 😄
@magicknot4 I think this would be a good pattern to try the straight edges technique on 🙂 I have written a tutorial on it that you could check out and there are also some good videos on YouTube
@sodapop or @halokiwi I am wondering if I should do the straight edges technique cause I think it looks smoother but I have never done it so could you guys give me some tips 😊
@Stitchlove I'm unsure if she takes tutorial requests but she does have a pretty good video on reading patterns that should be helpful for figuring this out. I recommend taking a screenshot of the pattern or printing it out and then drawing the segments into it to figure out how this pattern can be segment-knotted. If you are unable to figure out how to segment-knot this or any other normal pattern you can always knot any normal pattern row-by-row.