@maiadel528 you need to create a new pattern. Instead of "add variation" you need to go to "create patterns" and then click "new pattern" next to "alpha".
The generator will open up to this pattern, but you can go to "write alpha" or another page and change it. I recommend using "write alpha". There you can just enter a new word like a name.
Keep in mind that we don't accept simple word patterns because they are too easy to create or custom name patterns because they are not relevant to other users. You can just leave the pattern in the generator and not submit it. You'll always be able to find it when clicking "create patterns"
If you are talking about trying to design an alpha pattern, you can most easily change the design in "draw alpha". Pick a colour you want to draw with and then change the individual squares to that colour by clicking on them. Don't forget to click "save" before going back to "alpha". Is that what you mean?