@amoungus90 Ok well first of all dont call me a stupid gay girl. second of all not everyone believes in god (like me) third of all you have been reported to the admin🙂 hahahaha
@amoungus90 first of all you need to stop. I never said god and veterans dont need representation. I simply said that Lgbtq+ want and need more representation bc people still think its a touchy subject which is not right. Second of all, dont you EVER call the lgbtq+ community stupid. Lgbtq+ have gone through so much that you will never understand. And last i really dont care what a beginner who has nothing in their bio,no profile picture,and no pictures or patterns has to say.also if you were to look at all the messages i get on a daily basis to make more pride patterns I think it would prove that lgbtq people do need more representation? also how many people have rated and made your patterns? ..... thats what i thought