@abby_c_mac thanks for correcting me! I don’t really know much about Morse code but I didn’t want the pattern to be too long so i just put 2 rows between each letter! And thanks for the compliments!! <3
I totally love the Black Lives Matter theme though, they really need more acceptance than they’re getting, and this is a genius way to be an ally. Good job! Also love the rainbow touches.
Morse code made of beats known dots and dashes, as you know. Dot = 1 beat, dash = 3 beats. But there’s also spaces between beats to differentiate if you’re continuing the letter or moving onto another one, or even if there’s an entirely new word. Between dots and dashes of the same word is 1 beat of nothing, if you’re finished with a letter there’s 3 beats of nothing, and if there’s a new word then the previous word is followed by 7 beats. Without the spaces, it can look like a garbled mess.
I believe in morse code this spells BTM not BLM 🙈 🤔 . BLM would be -... (dash dot dot dot), .-.. (dot dash dot dot), - - (dash dash) I'm assuming you meant to spell BLM since that's how it's tagged!