Everyone agrees that what that cop did that day to Floyd was a terrible thing and that people like that should’ve never gotten that position, that doesn’t mean that now we should get rid of cops forever.
@minecraft3 yes I agree, I think that we shouldn’t say all cops are bad just because of the few that we’re bad, if someone showed up at your house wanting to harm u, you would want to call the police wouldn’t u? If we get rid of police then crime will rise. It is a logical conclusion that isn’t the best for any country.
@minecraft3 so police showing violence to everyone is ok? The military being sent to stop protesters is ok? Military grade weapons on people who just want equality is ok? Police don't need to be completely abolished. They need to be defunded and taught how to actually handle situations. Because obviously what they were taught before is not ok. More laws need to be set in place. That fact that your even defending the police shows your against BLM. Aka basic human rights and equality for POC.
@Road-Toad they can't really just quit, just like garbage men can't just quit. Who's going to take out the garbage?Who's going to protect us? and blue lives are just referring to police officers, who definitely do exist. Just because police officers don't have a certain skin color doesn't mean we shouldn't support them. Something's not adding up bc lots police officers are poc soooo.....
Blue lives don't exist. They can take off their uniforms whenever they want. POC on the other hand can't change their skin. BLM BLM BLM BLM. Support people of color. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽
@mic_san@a_path3thi@anailopez@MelSchimpf@miss_jessy hello, I see that you're all a bit confused. We don't accept any content supporting or representing political candidates or parties. This is often referred to as political patterns which causes some confusion about patterns not included in that definition. You can find this definition in our guidelines. So if you are ever confused about what kinds of patterns are allowed and what aren't feel free to read the guidelines.
If a blm pattern gets declined it is mostly for being a simple word pattern. There was also an incident when a moderator who is no longer a moderator declined one for being too political at a point where there were no rules on political patterns.
If you want to know more you can check out @Admin's blog posts "An important announcement regarding censorship" from 5 month ago (this blog post explains the situation that mostly lead to the misconception that we decline blm patterns for political reasons, at this point any political patterns where still allowed) and "An update regarding politics" from 3 month ago where the ban on content supporting or representing political parties or candidates was announced.
I hope this clears up any confusion. If you have any questions feel free to ask.