@kaliegh there are two ways of knotting: row-by-row (what you explained) and segment knotting. 1212 patterns can only be knotted row by row because the strings change directions so often. For patterns that don't have lots of fb and bf knots you can segment knot them but you can of course also knot any normal pattern row-by-row. It's a preference thing.
@halokiwi Oh, I though that one two patterns were patterns where you to take out one or two strings and re-pair them up with the other strings and continue knotting but I’m no expert💀
@Maialynn@kaliegh no, this is not a 1212 pattern. 1212 patterns consist completely or mainly of fb and bf knots. This pattern has a huge amount of f knots so I wouldn't call it a 1212 pattern.