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4 years, 4 months ago by Trump4ever
@muffinman and @alicstiu i just want to clarify what i am saying and maybe provide you with a different view. please don't get angry and keep an open mind and i will keep my cool and respect you. I have so much to say but i also don't want to make you read too much lol.

First off, i do my research and it is not "super easy to get in (takes little training and they give a gun to anyone)" Have you ever watched Zootopia where the bunny wats to become a cop so she goes to a police training academy and has to graduate to become a real cop. its like that in real life too. They go through 2 years of training, I got this from a former cop who went through the training btw not Zootopia i just thought it was a good example. also they have this gun test thing annually where if they don't pass they get their gun taken away.

Defunding the police means to take some of their funding and reinvest it. That will result in less police officers, or lower quality police officers because there is less money to go towards their salaries or equipment, right. Police already struggle to take down human trafficking, gang related, and drug organizations because if they weren't then we wouldn't have those problems. A lot of people say no that's not what will happen but what will happen, career criminals will just start respecting the police all of the sudden. I understand the funding will go towards programs that will help prevent criminals and law breaking and be more proactive, but at the same time taking away some policing could lead to the easy way being crime and more people seeing opportunity in breaking the law. I have noticed there are no officers at my school anymore, just regular teachers monitoring. Honestly my school isn't prepared anymore if there was an attack.

I was not talking about autonomous zones, but if you want to okay. obviously you haven't done your research on CHAZ because in the 25 days of its exitance, there were two gun homicides and four additional shooting victims, all of them were black (do you know their names is anyone saying their names?). Their homicide rate was 50 times greater then Chicago. they built a wall with armed people guarding who comes in and out even though trump is evil for wanting to build a wall, and they even deported people too, oh and lets not forget how they segregated things by race. Separate but equal they said, sound familiar, if you paid attention in 8th grade history it should. This just sounds like one summer of love doesn't it? Just don't walk around alone at night.
Honestly i don't blame you for believing CHAZ/CHOP was a peaceful place, that's what most of the media tells you. When you search up CHAZ or CHOP most of the articles are pro CHAZ/CHOP and leave out some important details. Same with BLM, "defund the police," Trump, and our southern border, its easy to find the "left wing" articles, but not as easy to find the "right wing" point or views.

sorry, when i was referring to left, right, liberals, ect. i was being confusing lol. I get the differences between them.

American history, i understand minorities have been discriminated against, but America invented racism and discrimination. In the 1700's there was no ideas of freedom everyone was a slave to their kings/rulers and the system. wherever they were born that's where they would stay for the rest of their life. America changed that, but with that came new problems. They still needed workers, so they came up with the idea that the people who tended to be labor workers (black people because they were stronger then white people) weren't included. This idea of equality was so new they in a way had to find loop holes to survive in the beginning so with equality came racism and discrimination. I think that is a different and interesting perspective. but just to clarify i am not justifying it. It was way different times back them and white people being equal wasn't even a thing back then. that is why America is seen as a great county for founding equality, well the beginning of it. What your taking from American history is the radical or violent people. Examples would be the kkk. That was not the majority of Americans.

Now, present day, everyone is equal according to the law. The loop holes have been filled, it took longer then everyone wanted, but it is here now. Maybe not socially, but black people have the same rights as white people according to the law. What i was saying was in California they tried to repeal the Proposition 209 Affirmative Action Amendment. Here is a link read for yourself: ballotpedia. org /California_Proposition_16,_Repeal_Proposition_209_Affirmative_Action_Amendment_ (2020)
California is a very liberal state. Are you pro segregation? if not then you might not be a present day liberal. (not the literal definition, but the people today)
Anyways that is an example of peoples rights being at risk today, it is different then in the past but it could be just as damaging.

With the police statistics, mappingpoliceviolence. org is only going to show the stats that fit their narrative. If they get a statistic that most of the people killed by the police had an extensive criminal history, they wouldn't broadcast it. Its important to note that they pick and chose what goes on their page and they can make the police easily look like the bad guys with out giving any accountability to the people who make decisions that get them in violent situations with the police.

alicesitu thank you for the articles they were interesting. I just wish that more people would try and find solutions to these problems, but i guess the first step is spreading awareness.

sorry that this is long 😂😂i think that i brought up a lot of points, but i can't explain everything i am thinking or even come close. I definitely recommend some of these people to listen to, i don't want to seem like a basic conservative but Brandon Tatum, and candace Owens are great, also i like Tim cast/Tim pool (timcast. com) i think he is great and non-biased. Also i loved the movie uncle tom, but you might have to pay to watch it idk, but i definitely recommend it.
4 years, 4 months ago by muffinman
@Trump4ever and I’m not sure who you’re talking about in the scenario you mentioned. White people always had rights in America. America and its constitution were literally designed around a society where only rich (those who could afford property, because the ones who couldn’t and were deemed poor ‘weren’t educated enough to make choices’), male (because god forbid any woman have an opinion, because they’re too gosh darn sensitive to make any decisions of their own, right?), and white (because since you claimed America your own, even though it’s stolen land, no ones allowed in unless you say they can). Those are the groups of people who literally always had rights in this country, since the day it became independent from England. (You should’ve known all of this already if you had an American education that went past 5th grade) Anyone else was brutally r@ped, murdered, and abused in many ways just because of that, for centuries. And for years we have finally started making progress in changing that. I’m not watching mainstream media, I’m reading history and listening to scientists. Remember media isn’t ‘completely biased towards liberals’ and spreading lies, it’s just correct lol. I have many videos, pictures, sites, stats, quotes, etc to prove that all of this has happened. 839 Black lives lost to police brutality this year (mappingpoliceviolence. org). 437 Indigenous lives lost the past 29 years while in police or prison custody (No link because not many trusted sites are covering it, and those that are are out-of-country, due to Indigenous peoples being wiped from the media). At least 32 reported transgender and nonbinary lives lost this year so far by transgender discrimination and violence in the people causing fatal bullets (transequality. org). What do you have?
4 years, 4 months ago by muffinman
@Trump4ever and idk why you keep bringing up radical leftists lol. Left and right aren’t even relevant. I assume you’re talking about libertarianism (fights for freedom, persona liberty and autonomy) because of the points you brought up, and i believe you’re probably conservative from what you’ve been saying? (not saying you are, but you might be) Conservatism and libertarianism are both right-wing on a political chart. Conservatism is built around keeping government intervention with personal economy very limited but putting great power in the government authority, law enforcement, etc at the same time. Libertarianism is built around entire freedom from the government in all aspects of life. Both are right wing. Radical left-wing politics are at their most extremes full-blown communism (authoritative left) and absolute anarchy (left-libertarianism). Liberalism is the center ground between all of these, neither left nor right wing. Liberalism is by definition not an extreme of anything. If these people that burned down those buildings were truly radical leftists, us liberals would not be associated with them because that’s not what we believe in. Literally just search up political chart and you can see for yourself lol radical leftists that would burn down buildings with people inside are as drastically different than liberals as liberals are drastically different than conservatives.
4 years, 4 months ago by muffinman
@Trump4ever that’s a quick and easy link for now. What you said about defunding the police, that’s not even what that means. Clearly you don’t do your research lol. Defunding is the idea of the government paying less money to the police because its super easy to get in (takes little training and they give a gun to anyone) and the police has proven to not be as good as it was designed to be. What you seem to be talking about is what are called autonomous zones, where an area as a whole comes together and claims itself free and separate from the government (hence the name). These zones are extremely peaceful, with people handing out free waters and masks, people making food for everyone, and help to all who needs it. Capitol Hill is an example of an autonomous zone, and it is the most loving place I have ever seen and I’ve never seen a greater sense of community. The entire point of these zones is to join together as a whole— completely free of violence— to stand against the police, because people of greater numbers stand taller.
4 years, 4 months ago by muffinman
@Trump4ever has many links attached about these movements, their missions, and stats
4 years, 4 months ago by alicesitu

For some reason I can't actually share any links but if you copy and paste the titles into google they should show up, I would appreciate it if you read them.
Forbes: Murdered, Hanged And Lynched: 331 Trans People Killed This Year
Forbes: Police Shootings: Black Americans Disproportionately Affected [Infographic]
hcr: Fatal Violence Against the Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Community in 2020

also a website called cop crisis
4 years, 4 months ago by Trump4ever
@muffinman okay i get that. It would be interesting for you to go find the exact numbers or statistics of police brutality, trans deaths ect. and cases of left raticalism, just to compare. And i also thought it was interesting when you said "Society may have conspired against the groups you mentioned, but those groups always had rights, are not in danger of losing those rights, and gets justice for their lost lives." In California they tried to repeal the segregation act that banned segregation by race (thank goodness it didn't work), and a corpse was found in one of the buildings that was burnt down by BLM riots that many people did not know about and were not advocating justice for them. Many places have defunded their police too much leaving their police officers nearly helpless against large organizations.
Its important to not just watch mainstream media that does not broadcast things that don't fit their narrative. It can leave you unaware of somethings that are happening.
4 years, 4 months ago by muffinman
An alarming amount of Black citizens are murdered every year because of the color of their skin, police brutality, etc. A huge amount of people are murdered every year for being transgender because society tells people with fragile masculinity that they’re ‘gay’ if they like a trans person. People murder trans people in order to keep their reputation. And many, many people for literally centuries have murdered queer people because of religion or personal prejudices. This pattern is to honor all of those lives lost. It’s not to invalidate you, because society always had a place in it for you. I made this to show my all out support of all of the minorities that don’t have a place in regular society and to advocate for changing that. @Trump4ever
4 years, 4 months ago by muffinman
@Trump4ever I get your point, but I cannot add white and straight to the flag. This version of the flag (behind the blm fist) was created a couple years ago as a combination of the original pride flag (1978), the transgender pride flag (1999) and a tribute to queer POC. I do understand your concern but the design has long been a symbol of those whose lives were lost BECAUSE they were minorities, not in spite of that. Maybe one day there will be a flag that represents all of America, but for now we have this flag that represents (some but not all of) the underrepresented and discriminated against in our country. Society may have conspired against the groups you mentioned, but those groups always had rights, are not in danger of losing those rights, and gets justice for their lost lives. A couple of people may have gotten beaten up for wearing Trump hats, but a large number of people lose their lives every year due to racial, transgender, and gay hate crimes.
4 years, 4 months ago by Trump4ever
@muffinman oh okay but i was just thinking you could add straight and white to it to include everyone because it is 2020 and we don't need to separate or group anyone by race or sexuality. can't we ALL be united, not just the minorities.

I don't want to be controversial or make you mad, but society has conspired against trump supporters, cops, and men too, there was one that literally got shot in the street for wearing a back the blue pin recently and many have gotten beaten up for wearing hats, shirts, ect. KAM, ACAB, we can't forget about the radical left too.
4 years, 4 months ago by muffinman
@Trump4ever it’s to show community and bring each other up and show that even though we are these things—and even if you aren’t a minority and you are upper-middle class, white, cisgender, straight, and/or male— we are all proud of who we are and should work towards community and togetherness to fight for a better country for everyone
4 years, 4 months ago by muffinman
@Trump4ever I don’t know what you mean by ‘speak to you’ lol. It’s not supposed to be a pattern for the privileged individuals, it’s supposed to be a pattern for uplifting and showing how proud you are to be part of these minorities that society has systematically conspired against (:
4 years, 4 months ago by Trump4ever
as a straight white person this pattern doesn't speak to me.😢
4 years, 5 months ago by HannahThor
@muffinman thank you so much! I loved the pattern and it was very fun to make, can't wait to put it on my school bag!
4 years, 5 months ago by muffinman
@HannahThor omggg that turned out so cute!! 😁
4 years, 5 months ago by a_path3thi
I wanna make these into earrings 🤯 😍
4 years, 5 months ago by willemlet
@sugarsodaz this isn’t a political pattern this is a human rights pattern
4 years, 5 months ago by muffinman
@sugarsodaz I can understand where youre coming from, but I don't see it as too political and apparently the moderators don't think so too. This pattern is literally just for people's rights, and rights should NOT be political. Imagine if half the country and everyone in power were telling you you don't deserve to live and be treated as a human. It's not good
4 years, 5 months ago by ryanthebrw
I don't understand why people are rating this badly the pattern is well made you shouldn't rate a well-made pattern badly just because you don't agree with the message
4 years, 5 months ago by ashwee013
this is a great pattern! definitely making it for a keychain on my bookbag !