@Addysen make sure to keep your knots a consistent tightness, and every time you finish a row, push all the knots upward and tug down on the base strings... this helps keeps everything uniform and perpendicular. When changing colors, try not to pull the string too tight on the first knot so it doesn't pucker the rows... those messy crossing strings in the back need room to breathe 😂
@Sunshines it is a bit hard to explain but you have to fold your strings in half with one string being a bit longer than the other base strings. Then you make a larks knot with your longer string onto the others and then you basically knot over your entire bundle on one side with one side of your longer string until your loop is long enough. You can make the triangle ends by knotting your leading string over the entire bundle and “releasing “ one string per bundle every row. Hope this helps. There are a lot of videos on youtube that can explain better than I can. ✨