Thank you. I've been working on this since January.. A little each day. I absolutely love doing big alphas. Ones that take time. I actually ended up not cutting my base strings long enough and I was over halfway done so I had to research how to add new longer base strings. It's not the best but its my 1st big alpha pattern so it was definitely a learning curve for me and I had alot of fun doing it.
@Smileys That looks absolutely AMAZING!!! I wish wish wish i had the time, patience and skill to create something to the same level that you did!!! 😍😍😍
@hsm I’m sorry I definitely read your comment the wrong way. Like as “ why does this need to exist” I’m just really used to defending twilight 😂 I’m sorry
@hsm I can explain why! I genuinely like the books and twilight has been a staple in my life when I was younger. I got sucked back into it because its the twilight renaissance right now. Shaming people based on their likes isn't cool. Loll twilight dos not deserve all the hate.