@ShivaniS you are reaching. I did not mean any disrespect about how she speaks. English clearly isn’t her first language I’ve learned English 4 years ago when I moved to the states , it’s not mine either. But at least I try to make sense. This does not Involve you. Hell it does not involve me. It’s not my fault that a child can not take criticism and has to call me out. Good day 😘 I won’t be responding any more because I have a life. Y’all should get one too.
@catcreatz making fun of someone because their English isn't perfect? Honestly you really don't have much respect for other people. Aracne contributes so many beautiful patterns to this site, and if you don't like them, move on instead of criticising someone for the way they speak/type.
@julete ? And you are ??? Lol. Girl. I never claimed to have good patterns! I can recognize they are not perfect just as I can recognize others aren’t! Have a good day love!
Your response literally made no sense??? I can rate patterns anyway that I’d like.... the whole point of rating patterns is rating good patterns that add stuff to the site or stuff that you would like to see more of...
Thanks for your answer but I think is not the good form to proyect yourself to other users, if you don’t like the pattern, you might be looking forward @catcreatz 👍 want it is still not a good reason for giving bad ratings to my patterns, that is pretty sad
Also the detail work around the face is a little sloppy. And no I probably couldn’t do better.... I’m just saying.... I’m entitled to my opinion. When you make patterns from existing pictures and other people’s art.... it can sometimes be distorted
Um.... this is not a personal attack on you. I just see like 59 of the same pattern and same type of pattern. Like 59 fridas and stuff. This is not to say you are a bad pattern maker, I just don’t love these type of monotone patterns. Ratings are there for a reason....