@nida-ajum Thank you so much! I For the ending, you just cut the leading string, then the base string to shorten them. Don't cut them all the way. Then just make little individual string knots on the string itself and then you're done. For the loop in the pattern in the beginning, I used this tutorial from HandMade Lenin for it. The tutorial is in Russian. I only watched what she did but wasn't able to understand. You can do that too. I hope this helps! Good luck with it!
@kayla_123 yea on weekends I have al night so that is my “long hours time” I like to call it cus I work on it all night with a few breaks to play roblox
@kayla_123 yea school started for me too I have like less than 10 hours every day so I need to break the time I make them into sections bla bla nobody really cares