This is an amazing pattern there's a bunch of poop emojis on here and none of y'all are hating on them this is just another botly function that should be normalised
@loopAloop@livematter yes there are some younger kids on here but young kids who are in grade 5 learn about it and other things in heath class, they learn what periods are in women and what is the purpose of it. If some younger kids see it then can just look past it and move on or ask there parents if there really curious about it. In the end we all learn what periods are even guys learn about it. And young females who know what they are and are scared to get them should know that they are completely normal and shouldn’t be ashamed or upset over having it.
@BubblyCraf how is this ruining it? It’s just helping people know that it’s normal for women to menstruate because some people think it’s “gross” when all women go threw it
@felinism I really was not trying to be mean or rude with my comment I am very sorry if it came off that way! I just don't think that 8-year-olds want to find out about this now 😂. I think they should have a really good time being a kid and not have to worry about being old yet! I really don't what to argue over a friendship bracelet so I hope you don't too 😊. have a really good day!