@eeanderson yes that is true and people giving hate is not going to get people to change their beliefs. i just don’t understand why people would hate on this because there’s no hate. i also don’t agree people hating on the person who made the patterns, cuz you’ve only seen their creation and you’ve never actually met them. educating and respectful disagreements are ok but insults are unnecessary.
that is understandable, but I dont like seeing hate on those patterns, even if I dont agree with them. Its just very disrespectful to the pattern creator that spent time on it. @amyers31
i don’t agree with you but you have the right to share what you believe and i’m not gonna hate on you for it! i believe in a God but one who loves absolutely everyone, no exceptions whatsoever. i don’t love america but i’m grateful to be free and to receive free public education. i don’t see anything hateful about this pattern so i respect it.