Comments of #46798
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1 year, 6 months ago by cmmbp
@lilpeachxx go off bff!!!!
4 years, 6 months ago by savannah_g
This is literally an American flag. Nothing political. Well I mean all countries are political but it isn't some Trump or Biden propaganda.
4 years, 7 months ago by Braceface_
Um I just made this to make the American flag,my family aren’t Trump fans either
4 years, 7 months ago by goldpug8
@minecraft3 one of the cons is trump tho that sets us wayyy back
4 years, 7 months ago by minecraft3
1. Best economy in the world. Meaning highest GDP. We are number 1 in something good wow who would have guessed.

2. Over 1 million green cards given to legal immigrants at the southern border. Growing our country and protecting our country at the same time.

3. The largest military in the world. Plus two time world champ. (I know that's from the past) but we have the largest military now and would probably go on to be 3 time world champ if it came to that.

4. We are 4.25% of the world's population but 50% of the world's richest 1%. Oh look we're winning again.

5. Our constitution ensures the basic human rights for everyone. (I am not talking about social liberties so don't come at me blm) what I'm saying is u can say anything u want about our government. In countries like China and the phillipeans you could get shoot by the state for saying those things.

6. You wanted things we are number 1 at? Here; healthcare, medical research, technology innovation, outer space exploration, the Olympics, and getting a higher education.

7. We have lots of friends. Lots of foreign military bases and allies to help us when we need help and to give our help to the countries that need it.

8. We are the cultural melting pot and we are spreading our diversity and acceptance around the globe.

9. China and Europe are drownding in pollution while we aren't. Yes there is pollution but we have significantly less in America and are working to keep it down and make it better. We put out half the amount of ghg than China and still have a better economy. We have way more land then the EU but they are still right behind us in emissions.

10. We as a country are willing to grow and change. More big movements are started in America then anywhere else. Our constitution is constantly changing and subject to change. As much as the liberals don't want to believe it America is on the social justice side. America among other things was founded on wanting social and economic justice and that is what it continues to do. In the beginning the founding principals were not fulfilled but there are today and are continuingly to this day.

God bless America 🙏
4 years, 7 months ago by l_d_1_3
@KFNK thank you!! i was just about to reply to @minecraft3 and you said pretty much what i would have. to add on
1. there is still family seperation at the border. they are also using extremely harmful disinfectants that cause people to pass out and have symptoms such as burns on the skin and eye damage. they spray these chemicals up to 50 times a day.
2. like KNFK said, nowhere near all illegal immigrants are "gangbangers." and immigrants don't "steal" jobs either. if someone has had their job "stolen" by an immigrant it's because companies like to spend the least amount of money as possible. so they hire immigrants or use prison labor (aka modern-day slavery). you didn't have your job stolen, you were played by capitalism.
3. a lot of the conflict in the middle east is about getting oil. not protecting us from terrorism.
4. even if we don't have the highest rate of covid cases, our government has handled it terribly. 19 states STILL don't have mask mandates. many americans believe it "infringes on their rights" to wear a mask and most states are still opening up despite growing case rates.
i'd still like to hear your 10 things about america
4 years, 7 months ago by KFNK
Sorry @minecraft, tagged the wrong account
@minecraft3 see below
4 years, 7 months ago by KFNK
@minecraft Just to address your response to @l_d_1_3:
1) Just because we outlawed slavery doesn't mean it doesn't still happen. Human trafficking is a far more common in the US than people realize, and thanks to a loophole in the 13th ammendment, prison labour is exploited for essentially no wage, and little to no choice as to whether or not they want to work (sounds like slavery to me). "some countries do worse" doesn't mean it's not an issue here too.
2) As of last week the US was #10 on confirmed per capita covid cases, but due to a lack of testing and contact tracing, experts estimate that for every confirmed case, up to 10 go undiagnosed. Countries at the top of the list like Bahrain and Qatar have robust contact tracing and high testing rates, meaning their confirmed rates are much closer to the actual rates. Our real rank is likely higher. If 10th is right, that's still pretty bad given there are nearly 200 countries.
3) We're 20th in the world for per capita firearm deaths. We're not the worst, but again, that's 20th out of almost 200. And for the OECD we're 1st.
4) The story of kids in cages may have broken in 2010, but our treatment of migrants has only gotten worse since then. Trump essentially made it impossible to apply for asylum, which beyond being morally abhorrent, is a direct violation of international human rights law. Families are being seperated. There's still no pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients; they've been here basically their entire lives, they pay taxes yet they can't access public benefits, vote, or leave the country, and can't get so much as a speeding ticket without being deported. Your "gangbanger" comment is out of line, racist, and completely incaccurate. Most undocumented immigrants came legally and overstayed their work visas. They don't commit crimes at a rate close to the national average. Most of those actually walking over the border are asylum seekers.
5) Clearly you've never studied the history of US involvement in the Middle East. The main reason there's any major conflict there now is imperialism and cold war proxy wars. The US government literally trained and armed Al Qaeda to fight the Soviets, and then left once that war was over without cleaning up the mess they made which created a power vaccuum. They did it again with the wars post-9/11. The US government is responsible for most of the terrorism in the Middle East, and rather than help provide real solutions now they just continue to arm and fund whichever side gives them a strategic advantage in the region with no concern for the humanitarian implications.
6) Serial killers make up far less than 1% of the prison population--homicide, aggravated assault and kidnapping together are only 3%. Half are non-violent drug offenders (usually in for possesion) who ended up in prison without a trial because they took plea deals designed to fill prisons without straining the courts. They're sometimes coerced into taking those deals, and can't appeal them later, so they're stuck with felony convictions for victimless crimes. Public defenders' offices are underfunded, overstretched, and can't provide adequate council, making it that much easier to convince people to take plea deals that aren't in their best interests.

I'm not saying you can't be proud to be an American, but blind patriotism is dangerous. Loving your country means fighting to make it better, not looking for ways to justify everything that's wrong with it.
4 years, 7 months ago by Jankins
@133382 lmao same
4 years, 7 months ago by juleblat
@minecraft3 i know you did NOT just refer to mexican people as “gang bangers.” congrats sis you’re racist
4 years, 7 months ago by kylah
@133382 same
4 years, 7 months ago by 133382
Y’all are here hating this country and I’m just counting the starts to see if there are really 50😂
4 years, 7 months ago by elimayxo
@minecraft3 aaaand what about your president ??
4 years, 7 months ago by minecraft3
@l_d_1_3 not every article or instagram posts u read are true. We are far from the worst country for human trafficking. Are you aware that the last country to have made slavery illegal did it in 2007? I am pretty sure, along with many articles, that other countries that hardly even have a government are worse. Also when we have a big population we are going to be high with any numbers. in covid 19 cases and deaths is another example. Per 100k we aren't even close to number 1. Flattening the curve was said to be the best solution so spread out the cases and deaths over a long period of time so we don't over run hospitals. That is what we did, but not other countries, so yeah we have more cases because we have better morals. Your CNN article about school shooting also wrong "Tallies of school shootings are estimates that vary from source to source, and the CNN figures did not adjust for population size, nor did they include certain Central American countries which have some of the highest rates of firearms-related homicides in the world." Oh you broke the rules, the cages were actually from 2010. Also immigration is not as black and white as I may think it is. Keeping illegal gang bangers out of the country and good hard working legal families in the country is a good thing. Bombing middle eastern countries is to stop the mass numbers of terrorists in those countries which r*pe and kill countless women and children. I'd count that as good too. 22% of the world's prison population. getting crackheads and serial killers off the street I would also count as a good thing. Making the country safer, is there something wrong with that? Would u rather have them run around killing people? I can agree with the politician are mostly corrupt that is true. Now would you like the 10 good thing about America?
4 years, 7 months ago by lilpeachxx
@l_d_1_3 sis ur comment is great, louder <333
4 years, 7 months ago by l_d_1_3
* @lilpeachxx
4 years, 7 months ago by l_d_1_3
@lilpeachyxx your comment is amazing!
@minecraft3 hey if you still wanna play that game i'm down.
1. both presidential candidates have a history of p***philia/racism/s**ual assault (censoring because there's kids on this site)
2. most covid cases AND deaths (hey look we're number one in something!)
3. most school shootings (omg we're number one in something else!! we really are great!)
4. 4.4% of the worlds population, 22% of the prison populaton worldwide (wow good at something else. maybe we're actually pretty good at stuff)
5. human trafficking of indigenous people
6. bombing middle eastern countries
7. seperating children from their families and keeping them in cages at the border
8. some of the highest rates of police killings
9. it costs a ridiculous amount of money to run and campaign for office. so you have to be rich to have a voice in politics. as much as people would like to believe otherwise, pretty much all politicians are corrupt.
10. constantly cutting education funds to give EVEN MORE money to the military. america could cut military funding in half and still have the most funded military in the world. china, india, russia, saudi arabia, france, germany, the u.k, japan, south korea, and brazil combined don't spend as much.

so now that you have 10 more let's play a new game. name 10 things america does well or is good at. other than covid deaths, shootings, and prison populations.
4 years, 7 months ago by jalesia09
@eeanderson lmao you a trump supporter I bet. And YOU can leave. Natives were the one who found this land, your people just took it from them. You should educate yourself before you make yourself look like a fool
4 years, 7 months ago by l_d_1_3
1. wow calling people insults. what a great way to get your point across while being respectful and sounding intelligent. great job.
2. i can acknowledge that this country has it's flaws. but it's still significantly better than other countries, such as places in the middle east that america has bombed for no good reason. by your logic when conservatives say "if you don't like it her then leave" they should be fine with immigrants from other countries.
4 years, 7 months ago by kjones1408
why you guys fighting on a bracelet app uhm