Comments of #46432
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3 years, 12 months ago by tehehe2546
@_haileyom_ u woke up and chose to spit facts!!!
4 years, 3 months ago by dramaqueen
If you're not black you have absolutely no right to speak on what we do wheather its wrong or right. This is our fight, a fight we've been fighting for centuries. So long story short you don't know what we've been through or what we're still going through!
4 years, 5 months ago by hot_knots
@rlbracletx I agree 100% 👍
4 years, 5 months ago by hot_knots
Cool pattern! Isn’t it funny how there’s no hate on this pattern and yet on the American flag ones and others, there’s hate all around? 🤔 Anyways, have a nice day you guys. 🙂
4 years, 6 months ago by Aracne
@okbeky here my contribution to your Challenge 🤗😃 @amirasalem thanks for the pattern 👍🙏
4 years, 7 months ago by _bracelet1
Amazing 🙂 🙂
4 years, 7 months ago by pinkis73
@_haileyom_ exactly what I was about to comment,thank you
4 years, 7 months ago by _haileyom_
@minecraft3 people can care about BLM and also care about single moms and kids at the same time. The point of defunding the police isn’t to get rid of them or cut ALL funds, but to give them more funds to places that need them more. If we find mental health services, social services, schools and education, etc, this can take off a lot of the responsibilities that the police have and then they won’t have as much that they would have to worry about.
4 years, 7 months ago by minecraft3
@_haileyom_ MLK also lead only peaceful protests and opposed the riots that were happening in the north at the time. He said "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
All I am saying is I think that blm is not giving the black community the representation they deserve. You shouldn't support blm just to prove your anti racist or because you want change for the black community. You should support them because you agree with what they are doing. You can want the best for the black community and want it differently or in a better way then blm. With all the support blm has you think that they would be doing stuff for the poor kids in the Chicago ghetto who have to face crime every day in the streets, or the single moms with double shifts trying to put food on the table, but they aren't really doing anything for them. They are actually making it worse for the little kids by defunding the police which in turn will drive the crime rate up. And blm cares more about people killed by the cops or by white people then anything else.
You don't need to reply to me just think about what I said.
4 years, 7 months ago by _haileyom_
@minecraft3 I understand your point- but they’ve tried. There are people who are willing to listen but there are still people who believe black people are less than simply because they’re black. MLK himself has even said “a riot is the language of the unheard”.
4 years, 7 months ago by minecraft3
@_haileyom_ okay so they are raising taxes for the already struggling black and white families just to spread awareness. I think there is a better way, like MLK or Rosa parks. They can also elect people into power that will make their voices heard. They themselves can become a police officer or politician because the current ones are so bad. They can do so much more then just riot and burn down cities because they are angry and I am confused why they don't.
4 years, 7 months ago by _haileyom_
@minecraft3 because the black community is fed up. They’ve been saying for years that they matter and racism is still an issue. It’s what they have to do to have their voices heard.
4 years, 7 months ago by minecraft3
I have a question! How is rioting and burning down cities helping the black community. I just want to know I am not hating in anyway I just want to understand. Thank you!
4 years, 8 months ago by _bracelet1
4 years, 8 months ago by gwensknots
@gwensknots where I live we have protests but they have all been peaceful protests but no riots I think, the riots are mostly in the states, not all the states but most of them
4 years, 8 months ago by gwensknots
@rlbracletx the movement is some places is getting bad, like in the USA people are burning buildings down because if “they don’t get justice there will be no peace” which I understand that and cops are throwing tear gas at protesters to stop the protest all together even if it’s peaceful
4 years, 8 months ago by vsco-girl1
@rlbracletx exactly. there are more riot deaths, black on white, and black on black deaths than anything. ofc black lives matter!
4 years, 8 months ago by rlbracletx
Of course black lives matter, I can’t deny that, but what this movement is doing is instead of protecting black lives, they are killing more than the police are. They also believe that the US is fundamentally racist which is entirely wrong.
4 years, 8 months ago by lulu_2020
4 years, 8 months ago by novaphina
Beautiful!!! ❤️ 👍