It looks so much like an alpha pattern! I want to make this, but I checked the pattern and it looks pretty complicated, since there’s a lot of FB and BF knots. Is it easy to get lost making it, or it’s fairly an easy pattern if you take ur time? Thanks!
@-Dominika- if you look it up on youtube 'straight loop friendship bracelet' there should be a video by objeXionable who explained it. But I do have to say that I added a string on each side to the bracelet to be able to follow the staight edges technique but if you are following the pattern as normal and shown above this method of loop should work too! Just make sure since the two strings in the middle are not the same color, that you get the order of your strings right when making the loop! I kind of winged it a little but if you don't know how to do that after you watched the video then feel free to just message me, I'll do my best to explain how I did it then haha 😄 🤔 ❤️
@-Dominika- MashaKnots and others on YouTube have great videos on how to make loops for friendship bracelets. This looks like a regular loop with a triangle end. To make the loop you take half the amount of strings but double the length, fold the strings in half, take one of your strings and to bf or fb knots with it around all other strings at once.
@Meghan_J24 You could add a dark pink string on one side and just make either bf or fb knots with it every other row (bf if you add it to the left side, fb if you add it to the right). It might look a little weird though because there would be a border on one side but not the other
This is kind of a newbie question, but is there a way to add (or take out) one string so it is an even number? You probably can't but it would be helpful to know! Thank you either way! BTW this is super adorable!!!
btw if anyone is wondering, I used a bit more than wingspan length thread and if you do two repititions of the pattern (4 flowers), then it comes out around 14 cm.