Comments of #42815 page 4
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4 years, 7 months ago by vefit24
@Her_Mae no❤️
4 years, 7 months ago by Her_Mae
@the-pit @vefit24 I wanted to say have good day, and God bless
4 years, 7 months ago by Her_Mae
Ok thank for your opinions. One we are all racist to each other without us realizing it. Two I forgive you @vefit24 for saying that I have a racist mind. For the police, I do think they do need at riot gear because some of us humans beings can get a little crazy. Again we all have choices to make. Also I’m sorry if I have offended you in any type of way. @the-pit well it was her choice just like it was your to respond to my comment.
4 years, 7 months ago by vefit24
@the-pit it’s also so funny that we never ONCE brought up trump and she just instinctively brought him up in a conversation about racism...interesting✨✨
4 years, 7 months ago by the-pit
@vefit24 it’s so inspiring how open she is about her racism 😌✨(sarcasm) and PERIOD!!
4 years, 7 months ago by the-pit
@Her_Mae she started the argument, if she was too sensitive and not willing to listen to the other side, she shouldn’t have commented.
4 years, 7 months ago by vefit24
@Her_Mae defunding doesn’t mean get rid of money. it means reallocating funds to help prevent crime and other organizations that need it more than police. it doesn’t mean take all the money away it means take some and reallocate it. the police are overfunded and they don’t get nearly as much training as they should. they don’t need military grade weapons and riot gear, they need proper training and education. and you saying “if you don’t agree WhO CaReS” is not accurate at all. being racist isn’t an opinion, it is straight racism and bigotry. you don’t have a different opinion you have a racist one.
4 years, 7 months ago by the-pit
@zeroelliot @lidiaaa y’all went off 👏👏
4 years, 7 months ago by Her_Mae
@vefit24 that goes for you to
4 years, 7 months ago by Her_Mae
@lidiaaa blm wants to defund the police!! It’s stupid really because crime rates or going to go up. When your in trouble who are you going to call. Not the police! And stop arguing, you have your own point of view and @kylah has her own. If you don’t agree WhO CaReS. We all make choices in our life’s, you either choose wrong or right. To talk bad or good. Do I like the choices that blm are marking. NO. All I can do is pray. And please do not say anything if you have nothing nice to say to me or any one else. Thank you for your time.
4 years, 7 months ago by vefit24
@kylah and if when you hear “black lives matter” and your first instinct is to argue??? you are the problem. just say your racist and move along sweetie❤️
4 years, 7 months ago by vefit24
@kylah “TrUmP 2020” “AlL lIvEs MaTtEr” and that ladies and gents is how you know you’ve won the argument✨
4 years, 7 months ago by zeroelliot
@kylah also, why would you use a phrase that contradicts your whole entire point?
4 years, 7 months ago by zeroelliot
@kylah Where do you get off telling me who I do and do not support? I support the military, I always have. Maybe instead of trying to take away from civil rights movements you should focus your energy to our troops in needlessly crappy conditions. The women who are more likely to be raped by fellow servicemen in Iraq then they are to be killed by enemy troops. The hundreds of veterans who are homeless. How about the ones who have died of cancer due to contaminated water at military bases. I’ll support straight people as a group once they learn what it’s like to have the crap beaten out of them for who they love. I’ll support them once the Supreme Court decides to try and take away their rights. I support the farmers, who over the past 4 years have gone through all sorts of hell. Or have you forgotten that our president is simply a businessman who doesn’t actually care about the lower class.
4 years, 7 months ago by zeroelliot
@kylah You know the full phrase is “A few bad apples ruins the bunch” right?
4 years, 7 months ago by zeroelliot
@kylah also, I see that you support the thin blue line. Will you still support it when you find out that it’s against the U.S flag code, as well as any other version of the flag with the red, yellow, and and every other color line used on the flag. It’s basically a bastardization of the American flag.
4 years, 7 months ago by zeroelliot
@kylah Sorry, but I refuse to support a president who doesn’t care about my rights as a disabled queer person. He is racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, anti Semitic, sexist, ableist, and the list goes on and on. He has 40+ sexual assault accusations, one of which is from his own daughter. He is digging our country into a hole with other countries and constantly screwing us over. We are basically letting a dementia patient run our country.
4 years, 7 months ago by Her_Mae
4 years, 7 months ago by feliagu
4 years, 7 months ago by Her_Mae
@kylah I totally agree with you.