Comments of #42644 page 2
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4 years, 6 months ago by BubblyCraf
People who go shopping and don't wear masks are selfish.
4 years, 6 months ago by BubblyCraf
@stopmelina I know! 😂 I'm honestly frustrated with people who go to stores and don't wear masks. I haven't gone shopping for 6 MONTHS! I'm doing fine, I'm not going to die from lack of shopping. 😂 If people would just stay home, this all would've been over MONTHS ago!
4 years, 6 months ago by bluue
@bluue sorry pressed by mistake
4 years, 6 months ago by bluue
4 years, 6 months ago by Clairibee
@StephC30 thank you!
4 years, 6 months ago by StephC30
I like the pattern of a good job!!! 👍 🙂 👍
4 years, 6 months ago by e_
@kiiwi i didn’t say that LOL idk where u got that
4 years, 6 months ago by kiiwi
@e_ how tight are the ones you wear?
4 years, 6 months ago by kiiwi
@e_ you are literally thirteen, you do not get to decide that you are a medical genius and want to risk people’s lives because you don’t like your own breath.
4 years, 6 months ago by SrahBcon
4 years, 7 months ago by madeleine_
@BBYBIRD101 The point of wearing a mask is to protect others, not yourself
4 years, 7 months ago by ellaharp
@e_ be dead. There are doctors right now wearing face shields, a cloth mask, and an n95 mask all at once for 12 hours and they’re okay. Whatever research you’re siting does not seem credible at all.... but to each their own.
4 years, 7 months ago by ellaharp
@e_ babe, if wearing a mask for more than 10 minutes would kill you or cause “irreversible brain damage,” every doctor on earth would
4 years, 7 months ago by stopmelina
people in the comments arguing about wearing masks.......just dont make the pattern if you dont like it....what is wrong with u people lol
4 years, 7 months ago by e_
@Clairibee wearing masks for me feels like it’s harder to get oxygen, when i’m mostly breathing in carbon dioxide. it’s not healthy when you’re breathing mostly co2. research has shown that if you wear a mask for more than nine minutes, then it can do irreversible brain damage. the toxicity levels skyrocket when you wear a mask. (by toxicity levels i mean in the space between your mouth and the mask. that’s what you breathe in. breathing in the germs from your co2 could possibly get you sick.) i heavily agree with @BBYBIRD101 on how you can get sick. my county is in the green, so i don’t see fit to wear a mask.
4 years, 7 months ago by BBYBIRD101
@naomi_hope not trying to be rude I’m just giving my opinion on this topic that’s all, I still wear a mask in stores and public places, just thought I’d inform y’all, that’s all.
4 years, 7 months ago by naomi_hope
@BBYBIRD101 you really dont have to be so rude about it. I wasnt trying to be rude. I dont know why you have to fight back. And wearing a mask is common sense. Everybody should do it! Dont complain if you get sick.
4 years, 7 months ago by Clairibee
@BBYBIRD101 There are mask requirements now but those orders are a reaction to the majority of people who aren’t wearing masks and haven’t been wearing masks. Keep in mind there is a 2 week disparity between what is causing a rise in cases and the actual rise in cases. Wearing a mask may be uncomfortable but doctors have disproven the myths that they ‘affect the oxygenation in your blood’ and masks are proven to prevent and decrease cases. I would very much appreciate it if you could further research this topic, I am getting very frustrated with the comments on this pattern saying things like masks are uncomfortable or impossible to breathe as a reason for not wearing them when wearing a mask protects you, your friends, family and all you come into contact with. If you won’t wear one for yourself, consider wearing one for those around you. Thank you @naomi_hope @e_ @LilaBean13 @glob @stopmelina and @simple3 for wearing masks.
4 years, 7 months ago by BBYBIRD101
@naomi_hope but if there are orders now to wear a mask everywhere u go, then how come there’s still cases being reported? 🤔doesn’t look like masks are helping to much now
4 years, 7 months ago by naomi_hope
@BBYBIRD101 i mean.. Thats true. But I wash my mask when i go in public. Especially because im sick. (I don't have it. I got tested so i know) but I also have done my research. And you should wear a mask because you can still carry the disease, wheather you have symptoms or not. It protects people from getting it from you. So if everybody would wear a mask, I think the pandemic wouldnt be as bad as it is now