Comments of #42644
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rollergirl |
3 years, 9 months ago by rollergirl
Thank you for this pattern! Such an important message! Love it! 🙂. Wear a mask! Have a great day ❤️
kaliciorn |
3 years, 11 months ago by kaliciorn
@Godluvsu that’s my exact thoughts and reason for not wearing a mask!
-squiggle- |
3 years, 11 months ago by -squiggle-
i don't really care what ppl do lol! but the pattern is beautiful <3
DenyceC |
4 years, 3 months ago by DenyceC
I accidentally rated a one star... 😐 I'm so sorry!
HannahThor |
4 years, 4 months ago by HannahThor
@Godluvsu Yep! I see from where you are coming from! I wouldn't say I'm scared I just personally have heard people feel safer around mask (me too) so I chose to to help others feel comfortable as well! Once again thank you for this time and I will definitely remember what you have said about this and continue to research covid and see what happens in our future! stay safe!
Godluvsu |
4 years, 4 months ago by Godluvsu
@HannahThor Yeah! Exactly. I think it should be a choice because there is science that says they are harmful not helpful, and I feel like more people need to know we should not take an approach of fear to the virus, not be scared of it, because its not something to be scared of. People believe the science that says masks help. I know science that says they don't. I have the right to follow what I believe! Except these days I don't 😂 . More people need to know yes you should be cautious, but no we don't need to hid away in our houses if you are healthy and the virus will only hit you as a common cold. In flu season we don't shut everything down!If you are at-risk I definitely want to protect you. But we the healthy population should contract the virus, so the at-risk population doesn't have as much of a chance to getting it. And yes I get that some people are terrified. But that is because the media is making it out as something super scary and terrifying and that you should hide from it even if it means killing the economy. Proof of that is when President Trump got the virus some where literally saying he was on his deathbed!! But that wasn't close to the truth. Even though he is part of the older population he still beat it because he has a healthy immune system. I mean they wouldn't be scared if they knew that asymptomatic people can't spread and so if your not wearing your mask and don't have symptoms it doesn't matter. Because if they knew masks can be harmful and do not help would they wear one? Likely not. People don't need to be afraid of coronavirus. They do need to be cautious though. Protect the at-risk population for sure. I get what your saying though. We shouldn't let stuff like this divide us. I am just frustrated that people say HORRIBLE things about me if I choose not to wear a mask .I am still staying social distanced so the mask doesn't do anything! It is my body and I have the right to make my choices about the precautions I take for myself. Yeah you to, God bless you and your family! |
HannahThor |
4 years, 4 months ago by HannahThor
@Godluvsu Yes! I personally don't agree that the president has not downplayed the virus but like you said we get to believe what we want and do our own research as we should! our opinions and our research is what forms our topics and discussions which is a great way to start convos! Personally I don't think wearing a mask should be a choice at this time, but in the future when we start to produce vaccines and slowly began the recovering process of covid then I agree masks should not be a requirement anymore! But at this moment I think even if you want to believe that they don't work we should all just come together as a whole and wear our masks even if you think it's only to create a security feeling because it does help others feel safer even if you don't. When we fight about mask rules, staying home, politics even we tear ourselves apart further when run reality we need to come closer and find solutions! I feel safer seeing myself with a mask and others around me. And some people say they can't breath so they don't feel safe which I hope you know I completely understand. I want everyone to be comfortable so some solutions would to be stay inside, order online, social distance, find a comfortable masks (sometimes the disposable ones are super uncomfortable so it might just be the mask its self which creates the hard breathing). I will continue to do my part by wearing my mask when needed, staying home unless needed etc. Thank you for this time to see what people on a different side of my views believe because a lot of the times they will just say trump2020 or my body my choice ( I don't even want to go there ) which can be tiring because I truly want to see what others have to say. I live in a very democratic state so everyone agrees with me on staying safe wear mask etc. but it was Nice to get a understanding! I hope you stay safe during this time! and have a great day once again lol 😊
Godluvsu |
4 years, 4 months ago by Godluvsu
@HannahThor I absolutely agree. Death is tragic. I certainly don't think the president has downplayed the deaths though. I am sure he has mourned greatly the loss of Americans. He is here for us, we the people! OF course he is deeply sad by the death of that many americans, he is here to serve our country! Just because President Trump is moving on to get past the virus and beat it so other americans don't also die doesn't mean he isn't sad about the losses that have occurred. Anyway, as I already said, I'm not here to argue the deaths. Just saying masks are ineffective. Asymptomatic(people who have it but no symptoms) people cannot spread the virus. So even if you went to the store and were infected if you had no symptoms you could not infect others. And obviously you are not going to go to the store with symptoms! So it defeats the purpose of the mask if you have nothing to spread. SO why do we wear them if it our CO2 levels rise to toxic? If they spread the virus by touching, but do nothing else except create a false sense of security why do we wear them? Why do we wear them if it is confusing for our young children to see us in a mask if they do NOTHING? Why don't we have the choice? Why do people say the science that they work is true but say that the studys from doctors all over that say the don't work is false? Whats with the picking and choosing? Ultimately that is what it is. As you said,you are going to listen to the doctors you trust. I am going to read articles and see what makes sense. That is how it should be! We should have a choice. So why do they force us to wear masks? If I read and understand studies that say they don't help but harm and I don't want harm than I can make my own choice not to wear a mask! And you can wear one. That should be how it is. I should be able to make my own choice. Also I agree, I hate it when people discredit everything your saying and ignore what they choose and otherwise yell. Your not like that at all. |
HannahThor |
4 years, 4 months ago by HannahThor
@Godluvsu I agree that a lot of the deaths have come from older people (nursing homes) but that shouldn't change how we see the virus. it still has killed so many even if they were older, not as healthy, etc. But obvi being weaker doesn't help your situation and I get that! I think my main issue is trying to downplay the deaths like the president has done. 220,000 deaths is not something to just push aside. people lost their grandparents, parents, relatives, siblings which is horrible. But anyways, like I said in my last message I understand that we can't spread the virus if we don't have it but with covid we don't know if we have it until it's to late so that's why having a mask can help create a safer environment no matter what. And I have seen articles how co2 levels have been super high etc. and I agree it can be "dangerous" but honestly you shouldn't even be out for that long because there are still stay at home guidelines to follow. masks are for that 20-30 minute grocery trip or that 10 minute walk outside with your dog (which even you don't have to wear a mask that's just extra precaution because you are outside) They don't expect you to wear a mask for 3 hours. We aren't doctors, surgeons, dentists so we shouldn't even need a mask for 3-5 hours ya know! it is simply just a way to help protect yourself and others a bit more than no mask at all because there has been proof it does help no matter what others have said, I personally will listen to the doctors and if they trust masks then I have faith and will believe in masks because it helps me knowing that I am safer then without one! Also thank you for being respectful because some people just completely knock everything down and don't even listen and it is frustrating to try and show my view on things and they won't listen but you are very polite which is very nice to stumble upon! have a great day 😄
Godluvsu |
4 years, 4 months ago by Godluvsu
@HannahThor I get it! Plus its nice to see other people's perspective🙂. The death rate is really low!!! it is. We have found more science to help!! You have a more likely chance of surviving these days than four months ago. We have discovered ventilators don't help, hydroxychloroquin does. Also, I am not sure if you realize, but a significant portion of the deaths are from the nursing homes in new york, AND MOST of those deaths are where the people had multiple health conditions and it wasn't from covid. If we want to talk about preventing lets talk about not sticking covid patients in nursing homes. Also, I am not here to argue the death rate. Anyway, I am here, simply to say masks do not help. And if you want to talk about science lets talk about how the CDC just released a study saying out of people who had covid 19 that they studied, 70% of the people were MASK WEARERS who wear them all the time, the other % never. What does that say about masks? And if a mask protects others then I don't need to wear one if I am not sick. If we social distance then I am fine! And although you might not know whether you have covid or not,asymptomatic people cannot spread the virus. Also, your CO2 levels get very very, dangerously high. Del Bigtry on the highwire did a study, validated by OSHA prefessionals, where he had his son stick a CO2 monitor into a mask after he wears it and saw the CO2 levels rapidly go up until they were highly toxic and then went of the highest point of the scale. He tested this with many different masks. If its toxic to be in a room with CO2 levels that high why in the heck are we wearing masks that do that? Also it has been shown that people, not trained by OSHA specialists and not in a sterile environment have no clue how to properly wear a mask and so it does nothing except spread the virus when you touch/adjust the mask, touch the store shelves, give your friends high fives.(or fill in the blanks) Well then why do doctors wear them? They have been trained by certified OSHA professionals, and are in a well ventilated environment made to wear masks. They know when to change them. If a surgeon gets a droplet of spit into the patients open wound, infection occurs. (hence the name surgical mask.) Masks just are not the way to do it. Keep a healthy immune system, eat a balanced diet, work out, (people who are overweight are more likely to have severe illness, said by CDC) take zinc,( stops virus cells from replicating) and take your vitamin d&c! If you have a healthy immune system coronavirus doesn't do anything except be like your common cold. The keyword is healthy. You got to make sure your healthy. Then, we keep the at-risk people protected, the healthy people live a normal life and possibly contract covid, it does nothing, we build immunity, and then we won't be spreading it to the at-risk groups! But the point is masks do not work except to give a false sense of security. Thanks you too, have an amazing day! 😄 |
HannahThor |
4 years, 4 months ago by HannahThor
@Godluvsu you said and I quote "the death rate is very low." 220,000+ people are dead. I understand it can be hard to wear a mask. I have had asthma since I was 5, I still wear a mask everywhere and even during my soccer practice for 1 hour and 30 min. It sucks and obvi I wish this pandemic was over but it isn't. We wear masks to protect others, not ourselves. Covid doesn't show signs so if you are sick you might not even know it so you need to wear a mask every time you go out which even though it sucks it still helps as much as you can! and there has been many articles proving that masks help. Some primary sources are CDC, UCSF, and AAMC. So if you don't want to trust Fox News or CNN I have given you some places that are true sources that have proven masks help! Also I hope you take this all in the nicest way possible because I am not here for any fights! I simply just want to inform you on what I know and my views on things! hope you have a good day 🙂 👍
lemondrink |
4 years, 4 months ago by lemondrink
@Godluvsu EXACTLY!!! I totally agree!
Aesthetic8 |
4 years, 4 months ago by Aesthetic8
❤️ 😍 @Clairibee such a cool pattern especially in a time like this 😊
Crafty_K |
4 years, 5 months ago by Crafty_K
@dancerava lovely picture!! It turned out so beautiful! I wish I could knot an alpha like that! 😊
knotashley |
4 years, 5 months ago by knotashley
Love this!
Godluvsu |
4 years, 6 months ago by Godluvsu
Godluvsu |
4 years, 6 months ago by Godluvsu
And someone said to someone don't complain if you get sick. Oh, I will not. This world needs herd immunity so we can get over it spreading!!!!
Godluvsu |
4 years, 6 months ago by Godluvsu
Also, the world isn't in a pandemic anymore. The death rate is to low.
Godluvsu |
4 years, 6 months ago by Godluvsu
First off, its ok I like talking things over! Second, I am not denying covid, its real. The surgeons need to wear one because imagine, in surgery, if the littlest bit of saliva got in the open wound, it would get infected. Doctors should because they are going directly into rooms with sick people, without social distancing. Dentists are working directly with people RIGHT by the mouth. Also, their is absolutely NO PROOF that masks work, but their is proof that they decrease your oxygen levels, which is bad for you. Sure social distance, but masks, for corona are useless. You cannot tell me I am spreading false information if you don't know how I am researching. I go on multiple search engines, and watch multiple new stations. I have an educated view on masks after all the different documentaries and such I have watched. Pulling from headlines on one or two news channels does not equal an education. If that is all you ever did then they could tell you lies and you would believe them without fact checking it. By the way, if my mask protects you, it doesn't matter if I wear one unless I am sick, and I won't go into public when I am sick. Also, it does nothing to filter the corona virus particles. The corona particle is way smaller than the mask particle. Imagine a basket ball thrown through a hula hoop. The corona particle is the basketball, the hula hoop is the mask. That is the equivalent. SO. Don't tell me I am the uneducated one when clearly I am the one who has done my research. Also, it is good to have healthy conversations, and if you want to continue this one, private message me so we are not blowing the chat up. I am not trying to offend anyone, but the world need TRUTH and needs to be less one sided.
Godluvsu |
4 years, 6 months ago by Godluvsu
Actually, if you wear a mask then your protecting yourself. Doesn't matter what i do, because you have protective gear. and btw 🔥I have an exemption: I'm healthy and masks make me feel sick because of lack of oxygen 🔥 Masks are very harmful to your health as well. Just trying to bring more views into the world ❤️ 😜