this is a great pattern and before anyone comments something disrespectful just remember that the creator took their time making this and gets a notification for every comment you make so be mindful 😉 seriously tho this is beautiful and i love it! i love the message and the pattern was beautifully made🤎🖤🤍thanks so much to the creator for making this 😄
@yumxmy all lives DO matter, it’s just there is significantly more discrimination towards the black community ( or any minority really) but blue lives do matter, it’s just that some people who support that, also support police brutality (not saying that EVERYONE does, just a lot do) and if you really wanted a blue lives pattern, just make it yourself 🤗 but as of rn, Black Lives Matter, A LOT
@Puppys like i get what you are saying but like by you saying alm is saying that white lives are oppressed and that the oppressor's life matters you know? 👍
@teraandmax wait don’t they mean the same thing??? I mean equality is equality no matter how you word it. I’m really not trying to be rude but isn’t it the exact same I mean some people may just wannew say that instead of blm. I mean I think idkkk I’m not really into politics and all that...
Saying all lives matter is like if someone’s house was on fire and the firemen trying to put it out but then someone comes over and says “what about my house”? And the fireman saying “Is your house on fire” and the person says “no”. There for not all lives matter simply only the ones that are in danger for instance black lives.
It’s so sad what’s happening in America and across the globe 🌎 people need to realize we are all humans that should love and respect everyone around us sometimes I am ashamed I am human.
@eeanderson Cops choose their occupation. People of color do not choose the color of their skin. In my state’s capital alone, the police department collectively earned over $285K in overtime by being sent out to otherwise peaceful protests. They did nothing but escalate them to the point where guns were fired. Businesses were still raided. They did not protect the protestors, they only protected themselves. They did not prevent violence from occurring, they only sparked more. If you were approached by a cop, or multiple as it can commonly end up being, and were accused of doing something you did not do, or were not even told what you were being arrested for, you would feel the need to prove your innocence, wouldn’t you? The cops should NEVER be people who make the innocent fear for their lives. Furthermore, the police shouldn’t be killing guilty people. It’s obvious that this system is in need of reform and possibly a new system completely needs to be developed. I am not trying to be hateful by saying this and obviously there are cops who are not inherently “bad” and I myself have come into contact with cops who have properly done their jobs. But I am a young white woman. There have been too many deaths stemming from cops valuing their own lives more greatly than the lives of others and acting on racist notions. Trayvon Martin should not have been shot. Tamir Rice should have graduated this year. The cops that killed Breonna Taylor are murderers. Elijah McCain was an innocent man. George Floyd did not deserve to die. By using statements like “blue lives matter”, a movement that is trying to express that everyone matters is being undermined. Black lives matter=all lives mattering.