@Linkle for sure🙂 my sisters guinea pig is named spots (she passed away a little bit ago) her face is white with black all around the one eye and a tiny bit of medium brown exactly above the eye instead of black. then her body is white until about the end of her tummy/butt and that’s all black with white feet. and my guinea pig, carmel her face is a tanish light brown and it’s that color a behind her ear for a bit with some cream under neath that and then she’s all white in the midsection with her behind is all cream with that same tanish light brown on her spine kinda area... i tried to describe just one side of each since that’s all that shows in the picture
@june412406 You can't send me a picture on email. I'm sorry. 😢 If you describe the guinea pigs really good (colors and pattern on their fur) I will try to make a variation as best as I can. I would love to try and and do that for you! 😄
@Linkle dm me on here 🙂 if you have email i can email it it would make my day! i have been looking for a good guide apig pattern for so long and i love my babies so much
If some one can dm me on insta ( J_mBraclets) I will send you a picture of my guinea pig so you can make a varriation but both guinea pigs on the braclet are just my one little baby