@danielanyg you can loop a shorter base string right along with the others and just knot over it in the loop, then pair the short end with another base string (knot over both together) for a few rows to secure it and just cut off the tail. Or you can use your leading background color as the odd base string (don't cut it) knot over it in the loop and then the leading string is already attached. Or for normal patterns, Emaptheo on YouTube has some great tutorials 😊
@mollie477 You need 11 base strings of any color since they won't be seen in the bracelet except for the ties. Then 1 string for each color... the more knots per color, the longer the string needs to be. For the background color (dark blue or your preferred choice) it would be best to make your knots using the whole skein. If you haven't made alphas before, there's a video link right at the top of the generated knot structure diagram. Color switches can be tricky, and it might be easier to experiment first with a pattern using less colors. 😊
@maurawall you don't have to use black or white... any color base strings will work since they don't actually show in the pattern, many people just use their scraps. Take a look at photos of only alphas and see what others have done. Lots of base strings don't match! 😄