@vip99 mine was quite long but i shortened the pattern by 6 rows, it depends on your knots and how long of a bracelet you need. If you have made another alpha before then compare how many rows it was to how long you need the bracelet. If you need it shorter just don't do as many rows for the blade. And i would love to see the finished product if you make it so put a take a picture and post it here!!
My sides of the bracelet stick out and I realize on the other photo theirs don’t, how do I make my sides look straight and not pointy? Also mine is thicker because I used 12 strings on accident but how do I make it thinner like that other picture?
@handymandy when doing alpha bracelets to get a knot of a new colour you have to switch to a new leading string. The old leading string will be behind the bracelet until you use it again. The lines in the pattern are the leading strings that move behind the pattern when they're currently not in use.
Hi sorry commenting again but I have never made an alpha bracelet in my life so what do those connecting lines mean? for example the 2nd to third row connecting line of the blue
@handymandy I made my base strings pretty long but you can always add in more leading string. so just make your base strings longer than you would need for the bracelet to go around your wrist.