Comments of #40674
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1 year, 5 months ago by Cupcakafro
Love this!! Praying for all the cops out there, and I do truly hope that the people hating on police realize the majority of them would trade their lives to make sure you live ❤️
3 years, 1 month ago by Maky_Wacky
Oh I love it!! So great!
3 years, 7 months ago by princess29
I love this! Definitely gonna make it for my dad! 💙 Good job making it! I could never do something this detailed haha! 😊
3 years, 8 months ago by knotnormal
My comment is late, but not all police officers are bad people, those of you saying that are being stereotypical, and kind of hypocritical because we are trying to combat the stereotypes against people of color, but you are jumping to the assumption that all police officers are bad! There are bad white people and there are good white people, and that’s the same for every race. This person just wanted to make something for their dad for Father’s Day, and no one asked if you agree with their opinion!
3 years, 9 months ago by Jerzee
❤️❤️❤️ 👮‍♂️
3 years, 10 months ago by eeanderson
love this <3 so sad after all these years it’s getting hate
4 years, 4 months ago by XxpeachyxX
Obviously white born person( who thinks that cops need the system IS NOT corrupt) don’t understand the struggle or some who is colored
4 years, 4 months ago by XxpeachyxX
Ikrr all of these ppl...I just don’t understand why they or even matter a fact how the can still support these ppl
4 years, 4 months ago by flo_bubbas
this as to be a joke
4 years, 4 months ago by Kaydence1
4 years, 4 months ago by mdemeyer60
@fuzzyfox WELL SAID!!!
4 years, 4 months ago by stylestpwk
i could not hate this more
4 years, 6 months ago by bela153
@fuzzyfox you claim you could report me for polictical comments but technically i could do the exact same for you? it has to work both ways, thats how equality works 🙂 And if you fully read my comment i was not bashing the creators pattern. i said that i believe she was making something for her father and not anti-blm. what made me comment was your comment, not the pattern, i wasnt making a harsh comment towards the creator at all. also the "make peace" part just doesnt add up w me when you were openly bashing BLM and the true meaning of ACAB. Humans make mistakes, but again RACISM IS NOT A MISTAKE. Youre comment seemed to show you did not understand the true meaning so i attempted to explain my point of view. I never believed or stated this girl deserved harsh comments for this pattern for her father. Have a nice day and please think abt what you say to others, You have no idea how many ppl your coment affected (and misinformed) and i couldnt sleep for hours thinking abt it until 3am last night. thanks.
4 years, 6 months ago by fuzzyfox
@bela153 I do not want to argue. The very fact that my comment trying to make peace and support this girl who is proud of her father outraged you shows that you clearly did not see where my heart was. And for the record, I did to say racism was a "human mistake" , I said that police officers are human and do make mistakes. Some are bad, but not all. We cannot blame the good ones for what some bad ones actions. And also, I don't even have social media besides this. I base things off of the truth, what both I have seen with my eyes and researched (and NOT just on Wikipedia) for myself. I am quite educated, believe it or not. Lol, and by the way, Admin banned making political comments, so technically I could report you, but I won't. You were only standing up for what you believe, for which I cannot find fault with you. Please though, next time, have some consideration for other peoples feelings. This poor girl did nothing to deserve all these harsh comments. 👍
4 years, 6 months ago by bela153
@fuzzyfox you seem to show that you do not know the meaning of ACAB or calling cops bastards. The system is corrupt, and they work for the system. That does not mean that they are all corrupt as human beings, just the system they chose to work for, overall giving them the bad reputation. And humans make mistakes, but what is NOT a "MISTAKE" is seeing someones skin color as a threat, and taking their life all because their skin tone. Sentencing a person of color a longer sentence because of their appearance. Pulling over a car that seems "suspicous" all because it was a black man w dreads. Thats NOT a mistake, thats SYSTEMATIC RACISM, and it is done w no mercy or human error, it is taught and passed down. So once you truly educate yourself on what BLM and reform is all abt, then you can make your reasoning actually make sense. You misinterperated the true meaning so badly i dont even believe you have really looked into anything deeper besides your own beliefs and some social media. and before you accuse me of this and that, i dont not believe ALL cops are bad, however the system and our president has torn apart america and have shown ppls true colors. Also for the record, I believe this girl was just making something for fathers day, not exactly anti-blm, and I was planning to leave it alone until i saw your outragous comment. Racism is not "human mistake"
4 years, 6 months ago by jetsa_124
@fuzzyfox it’s not that all cops are terrible, but they work for a corrupt system. And by that I mean one with systemic racism and also a system that has kept on officers with many complaints and violations. There’s nothing wrong with the people. The system has just changed from what it’s supposed to be
4 years, 6 months ago by jolgorio
🤔 let it be @Puppys
4 years, 6 months ago by Puppys
@jolgorio also I’m not trying to be mean but I do believe that this isn’t political and the creator was just trying to make this for Father’s Day cops?
4 years, 6 months ago by Puppys
@jolgorio bc it’s the literal colors of cops aka the uniform they wear.... it’s just for Father’s Day?
4 years, 6 months ago by jolgorio
Isn't political ? Why not a normal AMERICAN FLAG 🤔 @Puppys 🤔