@starpasta yeah that happened to me first when I was a beginner. Idk why the include the background string/leading string number with the base string it’s kinda confusing at sometimes
I had such a fun time making this and it was only 3 colors so was pretty easy! I felt like I was the only person who hadn’t made this so I just had to because all of the photos were so cute! Would recommend!! ❤️
@starpasta Its okay! Practice makes progress! Maybe make a smaller alpha to get the use of color switches. Watch Masha Knots Flat Alpha Tutorial or Kinsey B’s Reading Alpha patterns video on youtube!
i messed up so badly at the start cus i thought u were meant to have 11 base strings 😔 but in the end it turned out ok considering the fact that this was my first alpha
@byDogs it’s an even number of stings, so make them twice as long as you normally would. Then, with your leading string, make a loop like you would with a normal pattern, and finish with triangle ends. If that didn’t make sense, Alex’s Innovations has an awesome tutorial on YouTube! (The comprehensive guide to starts and ends)
@miaciemn If you have never made an alpha before I would recommend watching Masha knots on YouTube. She has 2 videos but I most recommend the flat alpha technique as it made my bracelets look so much better! Maybe try an alpha with 2 colours first though as they are completely different from normal patterns! 🙂