@LillyGrace That is because they add the leading string to the number of strings and the dimensions count only the base string because that is how thick your brain will be
@eridesroch did you do the alpha teardrop loop or normal? If you did normal you wont be able to do the bracelet because of the teardrop shape, but if you did alpha the base strings will be lined up as if you were doing it normally. If you dont know how to do the alpha teardrop loop I believe Masha might have done a video on it or Alex might have also. If you need more help just message me on here!! 😊
@Alotloves 11 is the total number of strings you use at one time (base strings + the color string = 11 strings total). I always look at the dimensions for the number of base strings, which the smaller number is the number of base strings (10 strings)
@jessicacol this is an alpha pattern. It works different than normal patterns. I recommend to you to watch MashaKnot's video on the flat alpha technique to learn how it's done.