@RHoude thank you very much! I bought the soccer ball charms on Amazon it was a pack of 144, and then I went to hobby lobby and my mom said she saw them there for a cheaper price. Another thing is they aren’t regular charms they have a hole in the middle of them where you slide the string through.
@Caitella definitely! I am already experienced in the knots and have made several bracelets, but I did want to do this pattern because it was so simple and would easily take me maybe 20 minutes. I was gonna make the vertical wave bracelet and post a picture I made of this pattern with the other bracelet I'm gonna make.
@MimiPlayz yes definitely this was one of my first patterns. It doesn’t take to long to do and it looks really cute once it is done. I would suggest though that the middle string can be any colour. I would perhaps say it could be a colour you don’t like as you don’t see it until the ties.
@Caitella would say this is an easy way to get used to the forward-backward & backward-forward knots. It's super simple, so it's definitely a beginner pattern.