@tisakidis I would say around 130cm for colors D, E and F, around 110cm for colors A and C and around 90cm for color B (these are the approximate lengths for a 15cm bracelets with braided/twisted ties)
@s1mmxn3 there are basically two ways you can knot a normal pattern: row by row or in segments. I recommend watching a video on segment knotting or reading a tutorial in the tutorial section. It's a little difficult to explain how to segment knot a specific pattern if you're only using words. If you can't figure out how to segment knot this you can always knots row by row. To do that you just put the strings in the order you see on top and then make the knots row by row.
@Odanak1811 is it possible to make this bracelet with a teardrop loop? And if it is how do I start, because the colours aren't the same when you divide the strings.
@RosieCat6 yes, the straight edges technique works on this, but you have to add an extra string on each side. MashaKnots has a video on it. I've also written a tutorial on it that you can find in the tutorial section if you would rather read. @sshaoul123 like @RosieCat6 said the straight edges technique can be used for both alphas and normals. I recommend to you too to check out MashaKnots' video tutorial or my written tutorial.