@e_ I completely agree. And also, fun fact: George Floyd worked at the same nightclub as the police officer worked at , they both did security together. Coincidence? Obviously there’s more to the story and people just went ape 💩
@e_ I agree, it’s a crazy world out there! You just never know. Yeah that is scary too, stuff like this doesn’t happen around here, so it’s been deemed the worst mass murder in Canada 🇨🇦
@michlynnxx i might get a lot of backlash for this, but people in the states need to stop freaking out about george floyd. justice was served. the police officer that choked him out was charged with third degree murder and manslaughter, so the citizens of america need to chill out about the whole case. media’s spinning what actually happened, and we need to be focusing on other important things, like pride month, fuller house, and good stuff that’s happened.
@michlynnxx that’s scary! i’m glad he didn’t hurt anybody whilst he was a dentist.. i heard about a dentist that killed their patients, so i don’t know what makes people do such bad things, it’s seriously a thing we need to be focusing on.
@e_ he was actually killed! So that’s even better. I agree, it’s absolutely mind blowing how someone can turn into such a horrible person. He was a dentist here in my town.. scary stuff!
@e_ over a month ago, there was a man. He dressed up as a cop, had a real cop car and uniform. He drove around and burned people’s houses down, pulled people over and shot them. 22 people lost their lives that day including a woman who was pregnant, 2 nurses, a police officer, and a 17 year old girl, amongst others. It was very tragic, he was caught and shot 10 times just 30 minutes away from my house! Traumatizing for sure 😔😔