Hi anyone on this pattern! I made this pattern, and I know a lot of people have been rating it one star just because they believe All lives matter or Police lives matter, or whatever it may be. But I just want to say, if you are reading this and are thinking about rating it one star or have rater it one star, just know that isn't necessary. Just because you may believe something different than me, doesn't mean u have to rate it poorly. I've had so many people rate this pattern one star, and by bringing me and my pattern down, that isn't going to change my beliefs or my knowledge of how people of color are struggling right now. And I'm sure if you got 1 star ratings and mean messages on something that u made, u wouldn't like it. Sorry for that rant, but I'm really fed up from people rating my pattern 1 star on a platform that should be a happy place!
@caspian i basically combined the triangle ends for alphas (in masha knots's start and end playlist on youtube) and flat alpha techniques (also masha knots video, 18:30 shows you how to switch colors at the end of a row). you can add in a color in the triangle using the flat alpha technique and just treating the end bundles of string as a single string. i'd also suggest using two different strings of the same color for either side of the border. if it is the same one going back and forth on each side it wastes a lot of string and can curl the bracelet onto itself very easily. let me know if you have questions!!