Hi @Fatema_18. it really depends on what your going to do with it. I think that three or four flower/star thingies is a good length, but again, it depends on what your doing with it. I did four and it measures to about 13cm (not including the tail). Hope that helps!
@Addysen It just takes LOTS of practice and patience to do some of these. I'm currently doing one that goes all over the place and it's VERY confusing🤪
@FBMaster lol I’m lowkey wanting to quit normal patterns bc no matter what I do I always mess up and end up wasting so much string which I think I just did
@escobpen00 this is a fairly straight-forward pattern (no fb or bf knots) and should be pretty easy to segment knot -I'm sure you could do it! There's also a couple really nice videos by @innovate and @TayWorld that can help you along 😊