For me, the thickness or length of alphas doesn't make them difficult — the amount of colors/color switches is the hardest part for me. So this is perfect!
i love that after 19 years harry potter is still going on like it came out last week yk like families r still showing it their kids and on and on this is why harry potter is so good
One trick I learned for longer bracelets like this is to basically half the embroidery floss. Instead of 6 smaller strands per row, only use 3. You mine actually have to add more rows to make it long enough this way but at least its wearable.
@adiba mine is around just over 20cm and i recommend that you make a bookmark instead of a bracelet but its completely up to you 😊 it took me 8-10 hours to make, but I was still kinda new to alphas then
Nononono!!!!! I just rated this one star!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😫😫😫😫😫😫 this is the second time I accidentally did this in one day!!! Can someone plz rate it higher for me?