Cool pattern. Tension is key on this one - the pattern highlighted my weakness in that area. I couldn't find a good way to work this in segments, so i ended up doing row by row and I always struggle to maintain consistency when I go row by row. Still pleased with results. Started with 56" for every strand. Ended up with 5.5" bracelet with triangle ends plus length for spun tails. Many of the color pairs, especially the colors in the middle, were consumed unevenly...i.e. I ran out of one strand of 4 or so colors where the other strand of the same color still had 18" remaining. Next time I do this I'll work out up front which strands get used more and "shift" those strands %30 or so so that the end that gets consumed faster is longer at the beginning. I don't think you have to lengthen the whole color pair, I think simply making one side longer than the other for the relevant color pairs will handle the discrepancy and reduce waste. If I do this again and work it out, I'll comment on which strands need to be shifted like this.