@courtnoell wait, there's a flat alpha technique?? I'm learning each day 😂 I checked out Marsha Knots video (FLAT ALPHA BRACELETS - BEGINNER TUTORIAL) and I do all of my colour switches the way she shows in this video at 19:00 Gotta try the flat technique!
@courtnoell i feel that the cutting and gluing technique works best and also making sure that you pull the old leading string tight towards the back when switching on the edge
@lizzieselz I am using flat alpha technique but someone told me to do the normal technique near edges. It's a struggle 😛 lol so I really appreciate the feedback!!
@lizzieselz thanks so much for replying!! Will this help not show the strings on the side? When I color change near edges, it doesn't seem to go under knot. Thanks so much!!
@courtnoell you could try cutting the strings super short with something like sewing scissors and/or gluing the strings to the back. i hope this helps, if not please let me know so i can try to help. ❤️
@lizzieselz@Sheva and others, I just did the pattern and how did you avoid having the glasses and nose string showing up on the sides?! It's driving me crazy haha. I don't know how to avoid it.