@leahhww I was not trying to hurt your feelings or Attack you and what happen with your uncle sucks and I’m sorry. And if your uncle thinks that the puzzle piece works for him that’s great but the puzzle piece was invented by autism speaks which abuses autistic children. If you make this for your Uncle’s caretaker that is great I was trying to educate the person that I mentioned in that comment that the puzzle piece is offensive to a lot of us. How to get a puzzle piece was adopted by autism speaks a horrible organization And I was not trying to attack the pattern in anyway I was trying to educate the person again that I mentioned in my comments that puzzle piece can be offensive and @fr0g Was also trying to educate about Autism speaks and was not trying to connect your pattern at least the way I read it and interpreted it I have asd my self
@Tmnettekov@fr0g my uncle has such severe and violent autism that when I was a young child he physically assaulted me. My family was forced to split and he was no longer allowed to be around me. He would fantasize about killing me and talk about killing other young girls. Eventually, after literally years of trying everything, they were able to find a medication to calm the violence within him. My grandmother (his mother) created this pattern with me to give the nurses that care for my uncle in his group home. She has experienced undescribable pain due to his physical violence and will have to help him with every single task until the day she dies. Her purpose with this pattern is to raise awareness of the struggles that able bodied people aren't always aware of. It's really hurtful you would come on here and attack a pattern that has special meaning to my family. They even got the pattern as a barn quilt to show their love and support for those who have autism.
@AriaKnots This is actually not in awareness pattern the puzzle pieces is very offensive to us autism speaks is not a good brand/organization they came up with the puzzle piece idea
I have been looking for an autism awareness bracelet pattern for a couple of months now! So glad I found this pattern, thank to all of you who made this bracelet! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️