@rachel7164 not everyone can just think “well there are others who are in worse situations” and immediately feel better, saying to someone who feels sad or depressed but isn’t being abused or bullied or something like that “you really think you have the worst life” is being ignorant. Saying life sucks is not the same as saying I have the worst life in the world, and if you are depressed or suicidal it’s hard to think about others who are in worse situations and feel better but it’s not being selfish @Kyraiskool 👍
I really hope all the people that was shaming her for saying life sucked have grown up a bit and wouldn't say that today.
To anyone that passes by and sees this pattern I hope yall know it's okay to be sad. Someone else's struggles does not invalidate yours. Think of it like this: Are you not allowed to be happy because others are having better lives than you? Sounds ridiculous right? So don't let others experiences affect you when you're feeling down either. It's not a competition. It's all valid ❤
kids are abused, innocent people are killed, children are starved every day and are still fighting for their lives, and you are saying life sucks. I doubt you have the worst life, and there are plenty of people who would gladly be in your shoes.
life does not suck go out and read the book "Child Called It", and if you come back from reading that book and still thinks your life sucks that you really need to talk to some one.