Comments of #164719
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7 months, 2 weeks ago by EVI_
7 months, 2 weeks ago by EVI_
12 months ago by Kimb3rluv
@megatron06 nice! How’d it go?
12 months ago by Kimb3rluv
This is a nice pattern! Thanks @sodapop !
1 year ago by megatron06
I've been looking at smaller patterns like this because I kind of want to make a set of shoelaces for my new shoes. I think 6 strings is wide enough...i'll test it and see how it works
1 year ago by shannonrae
@halokiwi it’s all good! Sorry for causing some confusion. My intentions were definitely not to cause any harm or drama. Sodapop is too talented to need to copy off a noob/rookie like myself lol 😂
1 year ago by halokiwi
@shannonrae it's all good 😄

There are so many users on braceletbook and I don't know what each and every single one of them would do or not 🙃 that would be quite a lot to know 🤯

I just wanted to make sure that when you are saying that the pattern looks just like your pattern, you don't actually mean that it looks just like yours 😉 but that you are aware that while the patterns are similar that there are still differences

I also was not aware that sodapop was one of your first friends on here. In the past I sometimes thought that people where getting in a fight with each other on braceletbook, but they were just friends joking around.
1 year ago by shannonrae
@halokiwi I didn’t think my comment was accusatory in the least. I never said it looked exactly the same. If I thought she copied mine I’d just come out and say it, which I did not. If I see a similar pattern to one of mine, I’ll usually comment and say it’s I’m similar to mine and I will say theirs is cute or pretty etc. because if our patterns are similar, must mean we like similar things, so great minds think alike. And soda pop was the very first friend I got on here when joining, I absolutely LOVE her patterns, I even state in my bio she’s one of my favorite pattern makers. I’ve made tons of her patterns. If I was going to accuse someone I wouldn’t follow it up by saying theirs is cute, that doesn’t make sense to me.
1 year ago by halokiwi
@shannonrae I just wanted to make sure that we are all on the same page. Usually when a user leaves a comment saying that a pattern looks exactly like theirs, they are accusing the other person of copying their pattern. I wasn't sure, if you thought that the pattern was copied from you and if your 'cute' was sarcastic or not.
1 year ago by shannonrae
@halokiwi I’m aware, I was saying its like mine, and it’s a cute pattern. It’s a compliment
1 year ago by halokiwi
@shannonrae there are a few differences. Your pattern has seven strings and there is a two row gap in between the hearts. This pattern has six strings and a three row gap between the hearts, so it's not 'just like your pattern but without a border'.
1 year ago by shannonrae
This is just like my pattern #158602 but without a border. cute