Comments of #159986
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1 year, 2 months ago by willow_
I love this ❤️
1 year, 3 months ago by emilyyy307
@halokiwi yeah that makes sense. Thank you!
1 year, 3 months ago by halokiwi
I think your pattern is super cute and would be a really nice as a shaped alpha 😍

But I think it does not really fulfil its purpose as a crochet pattern. Users are allowed to post crochet items to braceletbook under the condition that they followed a pattern from braceletbook. Technically you can crochet any alpha pattern (look up tapestry crochet and corner to corner crochet). But users wouldn't really be able to follow this pattern. If a user tried to post a photo of a crocheted octopus, it would probably be declined because it does not follow a pattern on braceletbook.

There are a few patterns on braceletbook, that are not meant to be actually followed, but that are there as a place to post photos of a specific bracelet to that can't be accurately portrayed as a braceletbook pattern. Examples would be #76616 or #8454. Since braceletbook is a community centered around friendship bracelets, it is good to have dedicated places to post these bracelets. With crochet projects that cannot accurately be represented as braceletbook patterns it is something different. Crochet is welcome and accepted on braceletbook, but it is not the main purpose of braceletbook.
1 year, 3 months ago by emilyyy307
@halokiwi @humanonion so I definitely understand why you’re confused because when I made this it was supposed to be like if you crocheted a octopus that this would be a pattern you could post a photo to but I honestly know nothing about crocheting so I made this so people could post photos to it but if you were to make it as a alphabet you would probably have to use fluffier string to make it and then sew it together. But this pattern probably wouldn’t work for crocheting because your not knotting while crocheting (I don’t think) and to be honest I don’t really get how you would actually make this as a pattern.
1 year, 3 months ago by halokiwi
@humanonion I'm also confused about this 🙂

@emilyyy307 if I made this, would I be crocheting in rounds and do the amounts of knots in the pattern indicate the amounts of stitches I need to do? Or would I crochet it flat exactly like the pattern and then sew it together?
1 year, 3 months ago by emilyyy307
@humanonion You are supposed to crochet it and then post a photo of the pattern but if you did want to do it as an alpha you would fold the to sides together, stuff it and then stitch it. I hope that helps although it's kind of confusing
1 year, 3 months ago by humanonion
I’m kinda confused about this pattern like I do crochet but how does this pattern work? Is it supposed to be 3D or flat?
1 year, 3 months ago by BlueCat123
Ok well ty again for making it😄
1 year, 3 months ago by emilyyy307
@BlueCat123 No I get you're not trying to be rude and to be honest it DOES look weird haha. But it's mainly for the crochet people to just post photos to.
1 year, 3 months ago by BlueCat123
And if you make a video I love to see it
1 year, 3 months ago by BlueCat123
Omg listen um I’m not trying to be mean at all but um this is very weird but It does look cool 😅
1 year, 3 months ago by emilyyy307
If you were to make this by the pattern design I would recommend using soft fluffy string to give it a more stuffed kind of feeling 🤷‍♀️. You would fold the two far ends and a stitch up halfway and then stuff it. Then continue stitching. I’m not sure if this pattern would work but once I clear out may todos I want to try it and make a video
1 year, 3 months ago by emilyyy307
This pattern is meant to be for crocheting. It’s a pattern that’s supposed to be a stuffed octopus and where you can post an accurate photo of it. @BlueCat123 this is what I came up with