@dracula you could follow the pattern, one knot over 4 strings , one knot over 8 strings. You could make those backward forward and forward backward knots. I did that on the right side of #140659 but I think square knots look a lot nicer
@dracula if you want to yes. Actually I forgot to add 2 strings to make square knots on this one so I did backward forward knots over all the strings but I like the look of square knots better. I did square knots on #144531
@dracula I think that should work as long as you make the first white knot over 4 strings and the grey knot over 8 strings. I just made square knots over all the strings for the bracelet part when I made it
Would it change the pattern if I put six base strings in each of the two knots (the line before and after the shark) or should I put three strings in the first knot and the rest in the second? I'm not very good at shaped patterns lol 🤪
To make row 36, forward-backward over the first base string. FB over 2 base strings held together, FB over 3 base strings, FB over 4 strings, FB over 5 strings. Push these knots up and tug on each base string individually to push them into place You can make the tail in the same way