Comments of #136162
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1 year, 9 months ago by halokiwi
@olvidar I guess you could call me a swiftie 😄
1 year, 9 months ago by olvidar
wait @halokiwi you are a swiftie? also i love the pattern !!! 😍😍
1 year, 11 months ago by hihi8
I could see that it was meant to be the album cover, it just wasn’t a great version of it. I also noticed that a user posted a photo of this pattern, and it kind of looks like a creepy doll when actually made. I think you know when your pattern of an album cover is good enough if fans of the singer would love to receive this. By looking at the photo, I don’t really know if the creator of the keychain did something wrong, but I don’t think they did, and based on what I see I honestly think any swiftie would be horrified to receive this. I might be wrong, some swifties might love it, this is just my opinion. No hate, just my opinion.
1 year, 11 months ago by hihi8
It does somewhat resemble the cover, but like I said it is just simply too small to make it look like there are actual eyes and the eyeshadow is not very realistic. What I’m going to recommend is just simply to make your patten slightly bigger so it can have more resemblance
1 year, 11 months ago by halokiwi
@hihi8 we moderators definitely don't hate you 😄 when I joined braceletbook, I thought KrazyKnotz disliked me, because she kept declining my patterns, but she definitely did not hate me. My patterns just weren't acceptable and I now see why they weren't. I for example tried to post simple word patterns.

In my opinion my pattern is not distorted. I actually made this pattern because I had to decline a pattern again and again for being distorted and got frustrated with it. Sometimes in cases like these I just "need" to make my own version of the pattern. Not sure, if the pattern then ended up being declined.

I remember working hard on this and trying to put as much details in it to make it recognizable. On such a small scale it's really each detail that matters. I showed my pattern to a friend yesterday and she instantly recognized that it is a woman on the album cover. She did not know how the album cover looks like, so I showed it to her and she still thinks that it looks like it. Of course friends can be biased, but she is definitely someone that would give me feedback on how to improve something, if there was something to improve.

About the other mini album patterns that have been posted recently. I actually often decline them when to me it is not recognizable what the portray. Often I don't know what the album cover looks like initially and I think that is a slight advantage, because then it's easier to judge, if it is recognizable. Then, when I compare the patterns to the album covers, I might discover something that I thought looks like one thing but is actually another thing. Then I also decline it. Only when it is recognizable what is depicted and it resembles the album cover, I accept it.

When reviewing, I also consider the scale of a pattern. I know that a small pattern like this can never have as much detail as a bigger pattern. It makes it more difficult to design a pattern like this, because you really have to find the essence of something because just one knot different can make a huge difference.

The only time when I suggest that someone makes a pattern bigger is, when it really isn't recognizable and making it only slightly bigger would lead to a big improvement.

Very big patterns created with alpha from image have other issues. They're more work even though they are easier. Big patterns like that are often instantly recognizable because of their size, but there is also more to tweak. A black and white photography is easy, but as soon as colours get into it and there aren't clear lines, it can get difficult. I'm not sure, if that might have been the case with your patterns. I'm not sure, which kinds of patterns you recently tried to post, that got declined, but this is a common issue that several users have.

Thank you for being more constructive in your feedback now 🙂 if you just leave a comment like "this does not look like the album cover" it does make me think, but it does not necessarily lead to any helpful conclusions, because I think it looks like the album cover. I know I did the best I can do on that scale. Now I would like to know why you think it doesn't resemble the album cover. That would be a lot more helpful. 🙂
1 year, 11 months ago by hihi8
@halokiwi I actually delete most of the patterns that get declined unless there is a very easy and obvious way to fix it. Also, about the feedback, I wasn't necessarily saying MY comment was feedback, just negative comments can be feedback because they tell you that you should try to do better. What I said wasn't really "feedback", but from a negative comment you could try coming up with ways to make your patterns better. If you want feedback, I would say if you can't make a pattern look good in such a small grid, then either make it bigger or don't make it at all. There's no point in just posting distorted patterns just so you can have a "mini version" of whatever. You could've made this just slightly bigger, not even a big pattern, and it wouldn't be distorted/would be easily recognizable. The only reason I called out this being distorted was because it's kind of frustrating to see more distorted patterns than mine get accepted. I have gotten SO many patterns declined for this reason, but my patterns were never super distorted, and for some reason the mini versions of whatever always get accepted no matter how distorted they look and when I do big patterns that look fine they get declined and I have never understood why, and whether the mods just have something against me. It's not just you, other mods have done the same. Same thing with simple patterns. My simple patterns are always declined for being easily replicable or whatever but then other patterns even more simple than my "easily replicable" pattern get accepted. It bothers me to see this and the moderators seem to all hate me for no reason and decline all my patterns without good and clear explanations.
1 year, 11 months ago by halokiwi
@cathauger thank you for defending me 🙂 and also defending yourself. Comments like these are always very irritating to me and I'm glad to not feel alone in situations like these. I would have also wished for a more constructive feedback 🙂 at the moment, I am unsure, if the comment was left just because hihi8 was upset about me declining their pattern or if they actually meant to be helpful in some way but didn't really know how.
1 year, 11 months ago by halokiwi
@hihi8 which advice would you have given me for this pattern? How would you have made it better? I always appreciate constructive criticism 🙂 I just don't really like when it is not constructive, because then to me it is not really helpful: I can't learn from it and it makes me feel upset.

I'm looking forward to your feedback! I'm always more than happy to learn 😄

I took "haters gonna hate" more as a lighthearted comment because it is a Taylor Swift reference. I don't think you are actually a hater. Your comment was just a little irritating to wake up to. Again, we can talk about your pattern that I declined 🙂
1 year, 11 months ago by cathauger
@hihi8 also, I know you were not trying to be mean, but you were. I can forgive you and you can learn from your mistake and we can both move on! <3
1 year, 11 months ago by cathauger
1 year, 11 months ago by cathauger
1 year, 11 months ago by cathauger
1 year, 11 months ago by cathauger
@hihi8 there's ways of expression your opinion of something without being hateful. the words you chose for your comment were hurtful. you could of recommended a way of doing it that you find better, but instead you wrote something like "THIS is supposed to be the midnights cover", like you were laughing at me. I'm sorry that your pattern didn't get accepted, maybe it's a good one, but that doesn't give you the write to laugh at people work. I personnal am very impressed by the pattern #136162, but you don't have to. And if you don't like it or like mine well that's fine, just don't do any of them! You quote Harry's song in your bio, you ask people to not bully and you ask to not discriminate, yet here you are leaving hate comments under a PATTERN... why?! please don't ask people to not do something that you do
1 year, 11 months ago by cathauger
oops typos
1 year, 11 months ago by cathauger
1 year, 11 months ago by cathauger
@hihi8 there's ways of expression your opinion that aren't hateful. the way you commented
1 year, 11 months ago by hihi8
@cathauger @halokiwi one more thing: you are both very talented people, these just weren't your best. Maybe think of this as "advice" instead of hate
1 year, 11 months ago by hihi8
@cathauger @halokiwi now just because I posted a comment on your pattern (A NEGATIVE OPINION, NOT A HATE COMMENT) your gonna start telling everyone I'm a hater and I suck and then you're gonna become the haters. Now I guess I'm aware that people take negative opinions as hate comments. Just saying, you're not gonna get very far in life if you do that. I cannot even tell you how many negative opinions against me have been expressed (not on braceletbook specifically, just in general) but I never took them as hate comments. I dealt with them, because to me negative comments are feedback, not hate. I'm sorry for posting those comments. Maybe I should've thought twice before posting them. I am not a hater. Thank you for calling me out because I now know to stop. I hope you have a nice day! ❤️ Please don't delete this comment at least until you read it.
1 year, 11 months ago by hihi8
@cathauger @halokiwi I am not a hater, I just don't like your patterns. PERIOD.
1 year, 11 months ago by hihi8