Comments of #122663
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1 year, 11 months ago by Kiwi_Art_2
@Corrupted because why not :>
1 year, 11 months ago by Corrupted
Why tho?
1 year, 11 months ago by TKEStrong3
Yeah, i understand what the maker is trying to say, i just don't really think it makes sense.
1 year, 11 months ago by Kiwi_Art_2
@YouMatter Nope you said it right :]
1 year, 11 months ago by YouMatter
I am not saying i agree with the maker of this pattern because i don't, but it sounds like your argument is "someone cannot be a man or woman just because they get surgery" where the maker of this patterns beliefs seem to be "you are what you are regardless of what you look like or what you have on or in your body".

i dont agree but i think this is what they meant, that nobody is the same and if you get surgery or not you are the gender or sex you feel you are inside.

and for the maker of this pattern please correct me if i am translating you wrong
1 year, 11 months ago by YouMatter
oof juicy
2 years, 1 month ago by Kiwi_Art_2
@TKEStrong3 actually that is a really good question I have no idea-
2 years, 1 month ago by TKEStrong3
@Kiwi_Art_2 no, I dont really have other questions, i was just looking for kind of a breakdown of the surgical process-which i can understand you not wanting to explain for fear of getting banned.
wait i do have one question- I've heard of women having their uteruses removed, but can another one then be put back in?
2 years, 1 month ago by Kiwi_Art_2
@TKEStrong3 hiiii :] so basically Ive done a bit of research on this and I can't really describe to you how the surgeries work on here as its a kid friendly site and I don't want to make everyone mad, because I would have to use the actual names of genitalia- um so you can google "how sex reassignment surgery works" or "how gender-affirming surgery works" and you'd find a lot of the answers I think that you're looking for. Basically the surgeon will reconstruct your outside bits, and you can have your uterus and things removed. Which isn't just a trans thing, a few women in my family have had them removed due to medical reasons.

Aside from that surgery though, there are so many ways in which you can transition your body to be more gender affirming.

I mean you can go on hormones, which over time will affect things in your body. Like going on hormone replacement therapy (hrt for short) for both males and females, will lead to physical changes, emotional changes, for females it makes changes in the reproductive system. If you want more information on hormone therapy you can google "how hrt ftm works" or "how hrt mtf works".

There's also ways for you to change how your face looks, how your chest looks, I mean really there's so many possibilities if you want to *look* more masculine or feminine. You can get hair removal. You can start speech therapy to change your voice a bit. You can change your clothes or hair or wear makeup or accessories. There are so many different parts to transitioning, and many people pick and choose which things they need to do in order to feel the most comfortable and confident.

I hope this helps, do you have more questions?
2 years, 1 month ago by TKEStrong3
by "female" i meant "female", as in biological females. but what i want to know is HOW surgery turns you from "male" to "female" or vice versa. how is surgery performed? people keep jumping into this discussion to "clarify" a question I'm not asking, basically just repeating information that others have already said. i just want to know HOW surgery is performed. can you explain THAT? so far nobody will tell me, people are just completely ignoring what I am actually asking.
Why would i suddenly "wake up male?" HOW is that supposed to make sense?
2 years, 1 month ago by sage-wolf
@TKEStrong3 i know it’s late but I wanted to add one thing- you said surgery can’t “turn a person female” anyone who gets the surgery probably already is female, meaning they identify as female and feel female, yet they have a male body. so think about this. it says in your bio that you’re female and from this I’ll assume you’re cis. so. you have a female body, and you FEEL like a woman, no? so what if you woke up and your body was male? would you suddenly stop feeling female? i don’t think so. that’s what it’s like for trans people, even though their body might be male they still feel female on the inside. i hope that makes sense
2 years, 3 months ago by Kiwi_Art_2
@cranb3rry Heyy I wanted to say tysm for commenting about this here it made me so happy and excited to see my art started a conversation on gender and like ugh I'm just so happy you're helping continue it so ty :}

Also, do you know of any good resources so I can learn more about the science part of transitioning and hrt and confirmation surgeries? I've been wanting to study it but don't know where to start looking to find good information. :]
2 years, 3 months ago by TKEStrong3
@cranb3rry thank you for trying to clarify! But I still wonder how external surgery works?
2 years, 3 months ago by cranb3rry
@TKEStrong3 - I can answer what you're asking even though I'm late.

It is not currently possible to change the gametes that someone's body produces, but people's external sex organs can be changed radically with genital reconstruction surgery. In other words, transgender women (people transitioning from male to female) cannot currently have a surgery to gain a uterus, but can have surgery to construct external anatomy that is indistinguishable from natal female anatomy to the untrained eye. When people talk about "men being able to menstruate", they mean transgender men (people transitioning from female to male) who still have a uterus, and are likely early in "transition". We don't use "men" to refer to transgender women (again, male at birth) because that's pretty invalidating of their identity as people. The singer Kim Petras, for example, is a trans woman - she was assigned male at birth, but she is a woman. Additionally, the majority of trans people do have the hormone levels of their desired sex once they start hormone therapy. Hormone levels are monitored by that person's doctor - for example, a transgender man's testosterone levels on hormones are going to be in the same range as a cisgender man's (cisgender man means what you might think of, to yourself, as a "real man"). But really, and I mean this kindly, someone's intimate body features are really a matter to personal to them. 🙂 So, there's no "goal" someone has to meet before they can be considered a woman/man, and matters about anatomy are very personal and not usually going to be shared with strangers.

Once you get into the arguments along the lines of "well can't anyone identify as ANYTHING then?", I think the best answer I can give you is really that the examples you will come up with are honestly just are not the same as being transgender. There is no significant group of people, for example, claiming to be the queen of X place, with a long history and biological factors that seem to make them likely to identify as the queen of X. There has been no benefit to being transgender throughout history, yet people have been and continue to be. It's not something people can just wish/ignore away about themselves. People have definitely tried, but it doesn't work. They've found the best "solution" to being trans is to just let people transition. 🙂 If you've never experienced strong gender-sex incongruence, this concept might be really hard for you to understand.

Hope this helps you understand a little better.
2 years, 7 months ago by TKEStrong3
@bunn if i was "transphobic" I'd be too scared to say what I said. basically all i wanted to know was how people think gender affirming surgery works because EVERYTHING in your body is tied together and i don't understand how it's safe, or even possible, to remove existing reproductive organs and replace them with completely different ones. do you know? or does that kind of surgery not mess with your organs, just the outward appearance of your body? I don't mean to offend anybody, i just have questions that nobody seems able to answering so far.
but aren't politics not supposed to be on this site?
2 years, 7 months ago by bunn
@TKEStrong3 stop your transphobic sh*t
2 years, 8 months ago by TKEStrong3
okay lol, im still curious though🙂
2 years, 8 months ago by Kiwi_Art_2
@TKEStrong3 agree to disagree 🙂
2 years, 8 months ago by TKEStrong3
but if you are born existing with male reproductive organs than you are not female and it sounds like surgery can't really turn you female, it can only help to disguise that you're male. what certain life are you forced into for having male or female reproductive organs? i wouldn't say you are only your body and nothing more, and i don't think people are saying that, in my opinion you are born in your body and yeah that's a lot of who you are but you aren't only your body, you are your personality and likes/dislikes and hobbies and interests, etc. you can express yourself without
wanting to be something/someone you're not. i don't mean to be rude but if a man who gets surgery to "prove" he's a woman and he still has his natural male hormones and/or organs in him, or he does not have all the natural hormones and organs of a woman, he's really not a woman at all.
if a man can just decide he's a woman, can't i decide i'm the queen of Australia and Antarctica? or decide i'm some random kids' mom and take them away from their family because i feel like i was meant to have them? i know those are completely different things, but both could easily happen, and also could have already.
if surgeons don't add new organs to trans people's body, do you know what they do do to try and change someone's sex? how do you "change your sex" without actually changing your sex?
2 years, 8 months ago by Kiwi_Art_2
@TKEStrong3 true but that doesn’t mean that you should be forced into a certain life or perceived as one or another just for existing with male or female reproductive organs. Thats like saying I am my body and my physical appearance and nothing more, or like saying a transgender woman is only valid after she has a surgery to prove it, and that doesn’t make any sense. Also, if someone believes believe one needs surgery to validate gender then that completely dismisses everyone that is apart from the gender binary. (This isn’t meant to come across rude im not sure if it does, and again, this is just my beliefs)